Hardware limitation won’t stop me from playing this amazing game!

The only game worth picking up a Wii U as of right now. Hopefully a Switch port will come soon.

I use to finish up online class, do homework, and then hop on with some friends online to play this game with it half the time being a full party. Pretty much this was the only team shooter game I could play with friends since they didn't want to play Overwatch. Game is okay, but I hate how much it crashes when I'm only like two games in. Toxicity is a thing, not surprising there. I much rather prefer playing overwatch where I can change my character depending on the enemy team composition. In paladins if your team consist of skilled characters, and the enemy just has a full team of brain dead characters, 90% of the time you'll lose.

This only took me 30 hours to 100%. Music is good but man this game had so much wasted potential.

Xenoblade Chronicles has the best story out of all the other xenoblade games. This game's cast of characters, beautiful soundtrack, and world design is one of the best I've seen out of all the JRPGs I've played. Gameplay is solid but not as fun as X, 2, and Torna. I got all collectibles, finished all side missions, and nearly finished grinding for all the master art books. Decided to move to another game until I'm in the mood to grind Nopon stones. Definitely play the game for the story, you won't be disappointed.

I’m still upset at Howlongtobeat.com for thinking it takes only 257 hours to 100% this game. I’m 700 hours in and haven’t started new game plus because of the stupid Ursula 5th affinity tree. Still gotta thank the lvl 104 Douglas bunny for helping me farm legendary core.

After the xenoblade series, I decided to check the trails series since it looked interesting, and this game easily became one of my favorites. The quartz and battle system are addicting than most rpgs, the plot sets up later events in the first game to keep you hooked, characters are memorable, music is amazing, and dialogues are very touching. I’m glad I didn’t start off with cold steel and I will definitely be playing each one until reverie.

This game, Yu, and Yosuke are awesome. Dungeons are a big improvement from 3 and the new story and musics are nice too.

It has Roblox Doors. But actually though this game is low key fun with friends, especially the horror titles. I wouldn’t play it on a regular basis, but a lot of the stuff here makes up.

Played this game with my brothers and cousins as a kid and had a lot of fun.

Jack is literally Low Tier God.

All I can think about after beating this game is that one failure from one of IGN’s journalist.

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Big downgrade from the N-64 version, and the sound quality is worse without adjustments (even then it doesn't enhance the experience anyway) Levels and game-play still play the same, but I really hate what they did to the level selection hub.

“What’s Breath of the Wild again!?!”