20 reviews liked by MarcosMcFly

This game is a phenominal piece of art and historic story. The amazing talent that Rockstar has accrued has honestly knocked it out of the park with this depiction of the Wild West. Arthur Morgan is such an easily lovable character, despite his actions and belongings to his gang. He's a good man in the wrong life, and his story is sad. He deserved what he got, but he didn't deserve to be in that position. The environments and overall world is absolutely beautiful. The part where the game falls short is Rockstar's outdated mission and gameplay structure. Shooting bastards with revolvers and early weaponry is fun but it can get stale, and that's what holds this game back from being a true masterpiece.

This game made me feel lots of emotions which is rare for me.


A melhor experiencia que tive em um jogo, simplesmente incrível. Mundo aberto vivo, missões maravilhosas e detalhes que deixa a experiencia impecável.

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cowboys go brrr

Great, fun game with loads of intricacies to the gameplay and an engaging story.

"Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack."

This game is definitely a thrill as advertised. So many well done aspects from story, gameplay, atmosphere... it's very well crafted. is it the best entry in the series? That's a definite maybe, it's hard for me to say. There are so many great entries (so far), it's like trying to pick from a candy store. I will say though that I enjoyed certain aspects more than the first two.

I think the gameplay is the best to come from the first three games, purely out of personal preference. I had a lot of fun with numerous segments and boss fights that I would gladly go through again on replay, and I really liked Naked Snake as a character as opposed to Solid. They're both great, but Naked has a certain edge to him that makes him a lot more enjoyable to spend time with.

The story is great, it started pretty simplistic, but as is with Metal Gear games, went in entirely new and different directions that were unexpected and also welcome. It made for yet another great story entry in the franchise with twists the franchise is well known for. I don't know if I'd say the twists were as daring as MGS2, but they were definitely bold and really well done. So far, my favourite ending to a Metal Gear game too.

In conclusion, is is definitely one of the giant greats of the gaming industry up there with it's predecessor and absolutely deserving of the praise.

Metal Giga Chad 3: Snake Eater

It's impressive how 5 years after playing it for the first time, MGS2 as a whole still holds up to this day. A game that would stay relevant as time progresses and would only become horrifying due to how the times change. How powerful Memes would become, how influential technology would surpass into something greater yet worse, misinformation, and questions about the concept of "freedom". Would happily write an essay about MGS2 but my nanomachines (son) are saying something different. 10.5 years later, MGS2 is still one of my favorite games of all time created by the hideous person, Hideo Kojima.

8 playthroughs later, I'm still amazed how there are many hidden details within the game that is yet to be discovered.