A shortish physics platformer. Gameplaywise I can tell you it ain't something out of this world, but it has a combination of old flash game with chill dreamy vibes which makes it worth playing.

An interesting "Desk-Simulator", I'd say it takes a lot of inspiration from games like Papers Please. The game has a quite unique style and it has amazing voice acting, but the gameplay itself left me a bit unsatisfied. The choices you make influence your ending (of which there are a few), but the game doesn't show you directly how you choices affect your ending, so you'd probably end up not knowing what you did and just roll with a random ending. This is supposed to invite you to go for a new run, which you probably are going to enjoy less because the story is mostly the same everytime, the ending been the only thing that can be different. I'd say it's worth playing at least one. But it fails at the "try again and reconsider your choices" design.

A cute and charming Paper Mario-like game. It executes all its systems and mechanics flawlessly. Has a quite well put story for a game about adventurer bugs and a ton of attention to detail. The world design and music are amazing, most side quests are really fun.

A must play.

And I will forever tresure my boys Kabu, Vi and Leif <3.

A wierd RPG that I don't even remember buying. The story didn't pick up even by the second hour, the gameplay was really simple and slow. Bored me out of my mind.

A interesting puzzle-platformer. Just got bored of it and left it to be forgotten. Seem short though.

Actually a really cool game, my only reason to abandon it was my lost save file. I'm not playing half of the game again.

A really unpolished action platformer. Doesn't achieve anything remarkable. Wound't recommend it.

I hate this game. I am aware that RPGmaker games usually are a kinda limited by their engine, and that usually pack a lot anime-like-bullshit, but this one is completly deranged. I didn't pass the 30 minute mark and in that short time it managed to display to me the most nonsensical and stupid dialogues, story and characters. The gameplay and mechanics are the literal bare-bones of the engine, don't expect anything to be slighlty intuitive because it won't. Even the visuals are painful to look at.

I really do not comprehen what this game represent to the RPGmaker comunity or Games in general. And I genuinely can't tell if this game is tremendously bad or if i'm the only one taking it seriously.

Seem like a really good concept, a roguelike with D&D like storytelling. End up being a boring, unbalanced and really repetitive roguelike.

Kinda of a harsh edge roguelike, didn't play it a lot but there didn't seem to be a lot different items, and the fact that the characters are like 6x4 pixels doesn't help at all with how messy these kind of roguelike usually gets.

I got no clue what this game is about whatsoever. The story is tell in a really wierd way and the "combat" feels like scentific-monkey testing. It has amazing visuals and ambience. Maybe it's just not for me.

A wierd and wacky Point-And-Click, has a lot of good dark humor, but the story is a bit meh.

Really cool Metroidvania that went a bit out of the radar. It's has a really nice style and beautiful pixelart. Worth playing.

It's has some of the best humor that the internet could have ask while being cute. Mechanic wise is like an old 2D Zelda. Go play this.

A decent sequel to Agatha Knife (Even though MechaNika was released first). A bit more edgy and less funny than Agatha Knife though.