A short not really interactive game. It has a couple of hidden and funny stuff that may crack a laugh out of you, but that's pretty much it. Just played because a friend really insisted me to.

I don't really get this game. I guess you can find some philosophical and theological meaning in it, but really didn't mean much to me. I just think it's hilarious that they have a musical about despair with imagery of rotting fish a gross stuff in the middle of the game.

I completed it once with friends, still don't understand shit about the game. It has a lot of obscure and complicated systems and mechanics. It's a really worth experience if you have someone to teach you how to play or what to do, unless you enjoy playing these kind of games blindly (which I don't).

Anyways, the game is absolutely dense, you can tell that the many years and uptades since it came out really brought a lot of stuff.

Just bear in mind that the game sometimes gets really grindy and it can relay a lot on RNG too.

The old classic RE4, one of the best games of the franchise, has enough wierd shit to be funny without losing all it seriousness. If you're able to cope with the tank controls there's no reason not to play it.

A short narrative game. The story on its own ain't amazing, but it has a bit a creative storytelling. It's just OK

A short not so interesting cooperative puzzles game. Can be good if you want to kill half an hour with a friend, but is not really special.

It's one of those Desk-Simulator genre. The concept itself of the game is quite good, I just don't like that you have to play multiple run to have a posibility to all the cameras. Felt like it had a great potential but was kinda wasted.

The Resident Evil game. I know that some people say that Capcom took the wrong direction here, I completly desagree. Being a FPS is weird for a RE game, but I think it made it so much inmersive and scary, the design of the map feels similar to those of Metroidvanias, this achieve a perfect combination of knowing the house but also fearing it at the same tome. It doesn't have a ton of vareity when in comes to weapons and enemies but the pathing it's so well done that you don't end up really minding. For once they made quite good characters, the Baker family feels straight out from those kidnap and torture documentals. Ethan (the protagonist) is quite bland on the other hand, his most significatives phrases being "Shit!", "Fuck!" and "Mia!", it can even get a bit funny. Like all RE has a ending a bit too exagerated for me, and it feels a bit out of place.

This one probably has the best secondary modes out of all the REs too. Mainly on the Banned Footage DLCs, the short stories really send that insane inhumane horror feel. Even separated from the game itself I'd say they are really worth playing. The other DLCs are OK.

Basically the best RE game so far, with the best horror out of the entire saga.

Go Tell Aunt Rhody about it.

One of the wierd Resident Evil that came out as an experiment from Capcom trying to recover from the shitmess they did with RE6. It's not particulary amazing, the campaing has a kinda shit coop where the second player pretty usless. The best part of the game is Raid Mode (better than most Mercenaries imo, come fight me y'all), a secondary mode where you play short maps, get money for better guns and repeat. Also has coop which it's enough to waste many hours of my friend and my time into it. Overall a decent RE game.

I don't really get what people find so unique about this game. I'm not really into SCP lore, but I know there are a couple SPC that are quite interesting for a horror game. The thing is that is really bad, to begin with the game doesn't give any guidence on what to do or where to go, nor give you any clear hint towards progression in the entire game. Most things seem like cool concept but that perform terribly in practice. Most enemies are just your typical "run away from monster" from horror games. The fact that you can play this with friends makes it a bit more torable. We only completed it once and it was because I managed to no-clip out of a wall.

An interesting "metroidvania" designed with puzzles involving magnetism and polarities. Calling it a "metroidvania" it's kind of a long strech, because the game is really linear and there isn't a lot of ways for you to explore the map, and you won't be going back to previous stages unless you want to find all the scrolls to get the true ending. I'd say it's more a Puzzle-Platformer, as it doesn't have combat either. Unique enough to be worth playing though.

One of those cool short RPG that you find free on Steam. It has a good atmosphere and a not so good story, worth playing.

A cruely designed platformer. The music, speed and energy of the game makes it feel awesome to play fast, but my god the controls are awful. Airborne controls feels really unresponsibe, 1 out 10 jump may not be read if you're on the edge of a platform, gravitation orbs or whatever those thing in chapter five are called feel uncontrolable. Enemy behaviour gets a bit weird sometimes too. And still I was going for the 100%, I didn't end up completing it because (maybe thankfully) SteamCloud fucked my savefile. I love this game even though I hate it. Great job Edmund

A wierd short interactive "digital toy". You just click something, and then something wierd happen that lets you do more wierd stuff. It has Cyriak vibes.
Worth to kill 15 minutes.

A nowadays classic puzzle game. Its mechanics were really innovative by the time and are still quite unique even today. The puzzles are really well put (mostly thanks to Valve exhausting testing) so the chambers comunicate really well to the player, giving you a clear goal and obstacles. A must play.