Steam Next Fest February 2024 Ranking

Ranking and short (poorly written) thoughts of demos that I have played during the Steam Next Fest. I have a few demos I haven't played leftover, so I made at them later if I get around to it.

One of the fastest and most stylish shooters I have played. Also, the 80's anime aesthetic goes so hard. I CRAVE MORE!!!
They took the drill wisp from Sonic Colors and made a 2D platformer about. This game was such a good time, my only complaint has nothing to do with the game itself, I just wish the demo was longer.
Killer aesthetic and an even more killer mechanic. Controlling the bullet after firing is quite clever and makes for some great and gruesome puzzles. But that aesthetic... I'm in LOVE with it. All of the loud droning and grimness is right up my alley.
Solid metroidvania with an emphasis on (damn good) combat. Switching between two combat styles at the press of a button is really fun and engaging. I also enjoyed the African setting, especially since it's something I don't really see often in games or any media in general. My main complaint would be the shader compilation stuttering, which'll hopefully be fixed in the final release.


I love filling out a collection and Flock fulfills my monkey brain desire. You just explore a cute little world on a bird discovering animals and filling out out a codex. It's all very wholesome and I look forward to the full release.
I enjoyed the combat of this one, being grid based turn based combat. However, I didn't vibe as much as I thought I would, maybe I'm just a little burnt out on rogue-likes. Additionally, the aesthetic is just one big nothing burger, but it is only a demo so the final product may improve. I enjoyed my time with this one, but not as much as I thought I would.


The art style for this game is phenomenal, but the game part is lacking. The combat is very lackluster; this may change in the full release since you are given no spells, which have their own section in the menu. Most of the demo was just meandering around the place with nothing all too interesting happening beyond pretty visuals. I also had multiple technical issues alongside the game not feeling very finished. I know the game is still in development, but games higher on the list do not feel like this. Unfortunately, the demo left a somewhat negative first impression, hopefully things will improve with the final release because that art style is so good.
Great aesthetic, but I'm not sure if this is the kind of game for me. It's just a toybox to make a summer house. Not a game for me but by no means bad.
I thought this would be a game I would vibe with. I struggle with decorating my own room, so I don't know why I decided that I wanted to play a whole game about decorating rooms. Definitely not a bad game, just not for me.


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