My friend picked Clash Royale back up and here I am, relapsed. What an unfortunate game. The gameplay is so good yet it's shackled by awful monetization. The best card in the game is still the credit card and has only gotten stronger. They keep tossing in more garbage into this game that even further ruins it. New card levels, new card rarity, new battlepass tier, and more egregious bundles to pour inane amounts of money into. But here I am, playing it once again... wow I'm a sucker.

Oh what a dark time it was back in Destiny 2's first year. People were hoping that this would've "fixed" Destiny 2, they were pretty wishful thinkers and/or overdosing on copium. Would they reintroduce random rolls? Would double primary go the way of the dodo!? Of course not, you must've been delusional if you thought otherwise. As the days neared launch, people finally realized that this would not be the answer to their prayers, but just one more nail in the coffin.

What a time to be playing Destiny 2, fan sentiment and morale was at an all time low, I'd say even worse than the first half of Lighfall's year. Looking back on Curse of Osiris, I'd say that it wasn't particularly worse than vanilla Destiny 2 at the time. It was just more of the same, which the game desperately didn't need and would only recover with year two. We got a subpar destination; ultra-mid campaign; a raid-lair with only one "real" encounter; the "most rewarding" public event, gotta love getting two tokens and a blue; the usual loot additions, both exotic and legendary; and how could I forget the Infinite Forest of infinite content. Certainly one of the "expansions" of all time.

However, objectively speaking, I don't think Curse of Osiris is the worst $20 Destiny DLC. I believe that would go to The Dark Below. It had less content and quality-wise was about on par with this expansion. Even with that in mind, I prefer The Dark Below, and I believe it's because that Destiny 1 was a better game. In a vacuum, Curse of Osiris is not the worst Destiny DLC but when looking at the whole picture, it makes sense. Destiny 2 was in a very bad spot at the time; newbies played it and bounced off, while the hardcore were dissatisfied because Destiny 2 wasn't made for Destiny fans but for people who didn't like Destiny. Destiny 2 was very close to getting it's plugged pulled and it took Forsaken, one of the best if not the best Destiny expansion, to save it.

I don't have many specific things to say about Curse of Osiris other than very general statements because it's been a while since I played it. And I can't revisit it outside of YouTube videos because Bungie doesn't know how to make a stable game so they removed it and a whole heap of other stuff. You can't play the Destiny 2 campaign in Destiny 2 anymore... but I digress. I did everything there was to do outside the raid, mostly in the tail end of year one and during year two. I even got the Sagira shell, which isn't a very difficult task but it helped me understand what it's like to have a lobotomy.

All in all, Curse of Osiris was a rough period for Destiny 2, probably the worst. I foresee it being that way for the foreseeable future, unless The Final Shape ends up being the wet fart to end all wet farts. As someone who regularly plays Destiny 2, that would be really funny and an amazing way to go out. Not with a whimper but a pile of shit.

My first real stab at a Picross game. I messed with the one on Nintendo Switch Online SNES and I had no clue what was happening. It seemed incomprehensible, but I did want to give the series an honest try. So, that brings us here, to Picross e. I'm hooked, and CRAVE MORE Picross. These puzzles are just so fun and addicting to me. I would be up at night telling myself that this would be the last puzzle before I went to bed... I did ten more.

Reminds me of my Minesweeper addiction I had a little while ago, guess they scratch a similar itch. I think me getting addicted to Picross and Minesweeper says a lot about me. Other people get addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and all other manner of vices. But here I am, hardest motherf*cker I know, clicking on boxes.

Moving away from that tangent, if you like puzzle games like Minesweeper and Sodoku, then you should definitely give Picross a go. I look forward to playing many more.

After giving up on the mobile versions of vector, I just got the PC version. I enjoyed Vector a ton as a kid, so many hours dumped onto that iPad. So, I wanted to get a taste of the sweet sweet nostalgia. The original version of Vector on mobile doesn't work anymore, and instead of fixing that version to work on modern mobile OS's, the developer just made two new distinct versions of it. One being "Vector Classic", a paid version of the game that I assume is just the original release but updated to function. I played the other version which was free because I am a cheap bastard and felt betrayed that the money I spent on the original just went down the drain. Needless to say, the free version sucked, it has all the trappings of modern day free-to-play mobile games. So I gave up. However, I'm weak and my nostalgia still hungered, so I got it on PC.

I enjoyed my time with it, just as I remembered it being. I was kind of hoping that I would've enjoyed it as much as I did as a kid, but that's just a futile thought. That isn't to say that Vector is a bad game, it's simple good fun. A 2D auto-runner can only go so far in wowing someone. I honestly don't have much to say which is shame since I wrote more in my rant than the actual review. Vector just does everything it sets out to do, nothing more, nothing less.

It's as barebones as it gets; essentially a straight port of the original Game & Watch game without the enhancements found in the Game & Watch Gallery series. I have no idea how this game kept me enthralled as a kid, guess I was easily entertained.

A pack of achievements that comes with a bad puzzle game. At least it's short and you can spells things with the achievements in a profile showcase.

I remember playing vector as a kid and loving it. I wanted to play it again and bask in that sweet sweet nostalgia, but it just crashes on startup now. Apparently instead of fixing the existing game, they went ahead and made two new versions, plain "Vector" and "Vector Classic". I truly love how disposable mobile games are, I spent money on the original Vector and now that's just down the drain.

Oh well, I just decided to download "Vector" because "Vector Classic" cost money, and I don't want to give the company money since they have left a bad taste in my mouth. I was expecting the worst since it's a free game on mobile and booting it up I just felt disappointed. I could buy currency, get powerups, and the main menu screamed modern day money furnace. I ignored all of that and went into the game proper. I played three levels and they were just as I remembered, simple but solid fun. It was fairly stuttery though, which detracted a bit from the experience. You may be wondering, why did I only play three levels? I instantly closed the app when a generic homescapes mobile game ad started playing after I restarted a level too many times because I wanted to get a fast time. I get the game is free, I wish they chose one method of monetization rather than "all of the above", and I can't stand ads.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised. This is all par for the course for free-to-play games these days, especially on mobile. I assume "Vector Classic" is what I should play if I want the original experience, but I'm already burned. Take my stuff away once so why should I trust you to not do it again. There's still a good game here but it depends on what version you play or how much BS you can tolerate.

Good game, but bad port. Frame-rate is capped below 60 fps without messing with Nvidia control panel or finicky fan-made software. I couldn't use the nvidia control panel method because it wouldn't appear and Nvidia doesn't believe in good features like manually finding a program. I couldn't be bothered to figure that out so I just used another method that worked mostly. Unfortunately, the game has a known issue of running at 20 fps or lower whenever it felt like it. Apparently this is a known issue and yet after nearly five years it has yet to be patched. I don't have any nostalgia for Crash Bandicoot so I just refunded. Maybe I'll give it another shot when it's fixed but I doubt that'll happen since Vicarious Visions has been absorbed by Blizzard and Iron Galaxy likely won't or can't continue to patch the game. Oh well...

The first game that made me rage quit because it's too easy. I enjoy easy games, Kirby is one of my favorite franchises and I enjoyed Pokémon X which is a goo goo gaga baby game. However, this game takes it to a whole new level. From the amount I've played no other pokémon is worthy of existing because Pikachu doesn't care. Types do not matter, I encounter a ground-type pokémon and Pikachu simply disagrees. Nothing can stop this monster. Also, catching pokémon sucks, but my main gripe is the nonexistent difficulty. The game looks alright and the music is fine but I just don't see any point of enduring this snooze-fest.

Donkey Kong Country Returns is a great game, but I'm just not a fan of this version. It feels off compared to the Wii version and I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's control feel or the loss of 60 fps, it simply doesn't feel as good. It does remove motion controls, and as someone who likes motion controls, this is a big plus for this version. However, emulation does exist, so you can play the Wii version without motion controls, but I get it if you don't want emulate.

If this is your only way to play Donkey Kong Country Returns then this is by no means abysmal and is a perfectly acceptable way of experiencing it. It's a solid platformer with great level design and good visuals for the platform it's on. A definite must-play if you're a fan of 2D platformers.

Fun tech demo for the Wii's pointer controls that attached itself to a Wii remote. Most of the minigames are fun but unremarkable. Only so much you can do to keep someone entertained by the Wii's pointer controls. However, there is one minigame of legendary status in this game, Wii Tanks. Probably the only reason people look back so fondly on this game. I wish Wii tanks got a full game. At least some indies have helped to fill the Wii Tanks shaped hole in my heart.

The thinking man's fighting game. Extremely stupid and unbalanced, but that's what makes it so fun. If you're looking for a competitive experience, I'd question why you were looking at Sonic the Fighters, and also it is nowhere to be found here. Although, Sonic the Fighters at EVO would go pretty hard.

Just another anime gacha game. Better off just playing another action RPG that hasn't compromised itself in the pursuit of every cent in your wallet.

Made my friend's PS4 overheat when launching the game. I think the game was trying to save him from being aggressively whelmed. If only it did it for me.

I am now traumatized by elevators.