I think it does what it sets out to do pretty well. Must've been cooler if you read this without knowing the beta survived, but I guess that's impossible on the internet age nowadays

I remember coming back from work every day to read this, it's just so engrossing, absolutely fantastic story. Taught me the meaning of true love, simply one of my all time favorites

I actually prefer extra over unlimited, mainly because biased for Sumika but also because I love the early 2000s romcoms, great humor and style, the main routes are great, Miki's is fun and I like Ayamine.

what a ride. Loved it. I believe in true love.

I read this reluctancy but it was surprisingly enjoyable. Very fun game

this is when the game starts picking up, but I think I prefer part 1 over this tbh

I read this because the art fucks.

well, the voice acting is horrendous and the writing is even worse. Congratulations to the staff for pushing the biggest piece of shit cash grab I've read

my feelings on this are similar to the original. It changed part of my life (in this case, I started learning Japanese to read it), but I'm left unsatisfied. I think it was an awful move to release only the near side routes, and while there's ton of improvement in comparison to the original (though there are a few losses too), I still don't really care about this side of tsukihime. The only thing I took away from it was Noel, I really liked her.

I actually liked ange a lot, and I think chapter 7 rocks. However, everything else manages to be awfully boring with some of the most pretentious writing ever. I hate this from the bottom of my heart, and I also hated Ange's conclusion.

I came in expecting something similar to Higurashi in its structure, so I was left disappointed. None about this is any fun, and ryukishi's writing feels like filler because this is a chore to read through. Not a single fun character, not a single fun fight, it's just the damn mystery which the story doesn't really make you care about personally, you just clinically try solving it because it's the point of the story.

this was the first VN I ever read in Japanese, and it was an awful choice. Reading something meant to take 10 hours in 100 was NOT fun.

That said, I still abhor aoi, she deserves all that is bad in the world

this was my favorite thing ever until I read akb49 later the same year, the way it talks about friends connected with me deeply and I will forever love it for it.

I like the question arcs. The 3rd one is my least favorite, but they're all solid overall

This game got me into VNs, so I still love it for various reasons. That said, looking back, I think only really like the maids' routes (specially Kohaku's). I hate Akiha and the near side is mind numbingly boring.

for every Silvio being the goat scene there's like 10 hours of boredom in the other side story

that and altered fable got me pissed