most lego games only get as bad as inoffensive, but i Hated this one for some reason. i dont know what it was but it made me mad the whole time i played. i 100% it on switch, and i figured that contributed to it not being good so i gave it another chance. i 100% it on xbox and it wasnt any better. i last played it like 4 years ago and im still mad


very very charming puzzle game. the kind of game you can tell a lot of love went into making it.

the flying controls piss me the fuck off!

used to play the shit out of this, mostly ttt. unfortunately i cannot get back into it because every time i played it i would get harassed by unfunny losers, and these days my anxiety is too bad to deal with that lol

ive played this game since 2015. im so glad there's no way for me to see my playtime because if this is my most played game of all time id be the tiniest bit embarrassed

its fun to fuck around in every once in a while. but the soundtrack includes a hatsune miku mode, so its actually a masterpiece

i have like 250 hours in this so far (still working on 100%) but my only genuine complaint with this game is the dialog. its not great and a bit repetitive at points.

very fun game (it gets extra points for using right on, frankenstein by death from above 1979) but the traversal can get very annoying and slow. especially post game when most of the enemies arent threatening.

this was the first game i ever owned. got it with my wii in 2010 i think. absolute masterpiece, ive 100% it several times on wii, twice on xbox, and once on pc. if i ever get it on another platform i plan to 100% it again. words cannot express the love i have for this game.

people who complain about the driving physics hate fun. while gta 5 has "better" physics, gta 4 is just more fun

i bought this because i thought it was funny, and was kind of surprised by how fun it is. unfortunately theres a lot of hackers for whatever reason so public games are nearly unplayable sometimes.