The soundtrack is a bop! You should play this just for that.
I have never played Jet Set Radio so I have no idea how this stacks up against that, but this was really nice.
The story was suprisingly good - it explores some basic themes but has some fun twists and turns and that's all I could have asked from this type of game.
The only real issues I have with this game are the implementations of Heat and the incredibly basic combat mechanics ( these two go hand in hand), the low skill-ceiling and the meta-gaming of high scores. Still, these problems are not enough to hamper the whole experience. I was just vibing from start to end.

Such a nothing game. At least I can admire its commitment to its extremely competent vapidness

Bland, bastardized survival-horror.

Great game! Best battle system in the genre, even toppling Radiant Historia, amazing soundtrack (listening to it while writing this), fantastic dungeon and world design, full of secrets, and customizable difficulty settings, with hard mode offering the kind of ball-breaking torture I have always craved in a JRPG. The story is interesting but is a bit bloated and starts to lose focus in the second half with the introduction of characters that only exist to betray the party, the late of introduction of party members and Maria - why is she introduced in the same scene she does something so important to the story? Also, the script definitely needed another edit pass, the dialogue sometimes has some very odd phrasing.

The issues I have with Chained Echoes keep it from becoming my favorite JRPG. It's still in my top 3 and is undoubtedly the one I would be more interested in replaying.

If I wanted to organize objects I would do it in my own house ( I won't). At least the cat's behavior is accurate to real life lore.
You get exactly what you paid for with this game. It just isn't for me.

Incredibly charming and not a whole lot more

An interesting minigame stretched out to a full release. Incredibly repetitive

Cool blend of aesthetics. A shame the game is so short.

Cool concept. The game for the lover of cartesian coordinates. I'm sure there's one of those out there.

Good game. Never wanna set foot in the monastery again.

This really is one of a kind experience. One that infuriated and baffled me like no game has ever before.
Maybe I should have stopped playing when I fell for an unannounced death trap after completing the entirety of the Endless Corridor. Or when I was expected to enter a pot like it was a mario tube instead of destroying it like every other pot in the game. Or that time when I had to redo a boss three times because in the room behind him was an upgrade that I only had one shot at getting.
I fear that my brain might have been permanently rewired to find connections between disparate pieces of text and obscure background details.
I wish I had never heard about "La-Mulana".

At least the OST was nice. Can't wait to play the sequel.


Gorgeous art-style with some jaw-dropping vistas and a soothing, synth soundtrack but, of course, the real winner is the instruction manual - so full of love and care. I never got tired of exhaustively looking every last bit of detail in its pages.

This is a world that is not only a joy to explore but one that almost invites you to with its numerous nooks and crannies and its dense shroud of secrecy.

Loved the Fez-like endgame, knowledge-gated progression and the overall overflowing cuteness of it all.

Like playing your favorite game when you were kid for the first time.

Go outside and smelll some grass.