got 96 in this game, hell yeah, W game!

All was played and got the top rank for each stage by Mario and his own car, unlocked R.O.B, played it all again by deleting main file, went on a loop, W game!

I feel like it's better by adding characters with their trio like Trish, Dante, Virgil as DmC and Thor, Cap, and Iron Man as Avengers because some of the characters can be left out without their team or trio. Some are trios but different type of character in that game like Jill, Chris and Nemesis/Wesker? Nemesis/Wesker are the "bad" guys while the other 2 are the good ones, also an example of one RE character will be left out like Hawkeye on the Avengers trio. Ryu, Chun-Li, and Akuma is also an example, Akuma as the "bad" guy and 2 are the good ones, Akuma CAN be replaced by Ken as they are the main 3 of Street Fighter. But on the gameplay, it's playable in a good way, really enjoyable and fun for doing such combos.

"This is not how I imagined my first day."

Although I've played past RE5 on computer and RE6 on Xbox 360, this game is the one that really made my obsession in RE franchise larger. Based on it's gameplay and it's graphics, it was the game that I can play for so many hours and play so many times and I would not be tired of it. It became my calming game or whatever you call it. The story and the character's amazing, the villians/bosses, the emotions shown in the story, the gameplay itself, the part when you have finally finished the game can make you feel relax as it gives you a somewhat chill vibe at the end. Overall, everything in this game is cool and I'm glad that I've played it.

Okay, this game is very nice, enjoyed it a lot, but there's some part of the game where you present the evident for that specific statement of the witness and it wouldn't register, and you need to present it to other statement that is not even close the statement that you should present that evidence, overall good game, would play the other two!