Interesting and good-looking game with a well presented story but really boring and repetitive battle mechanics and long vague maps to wander through, making for an overall boring experience that might absolutely get to you through the end and make you appreciate the experience if you manage not to abandon the game before reaching that point.

Played it using mame4rage, surprisingly fun and an improvement over the first game in any way. I can't believe this game is not available and almost lost media.

cool looking but uncomfortable fighting game that looks right but plays really poorly.

The most underrated and the best racing game that you've never played. One of my favorite arcade experiences ever, and the power drifting mechanic will never not feel powerful. Also, the maps and soundtrack make for an unforgettable ride!

Really underrated. Age got to it and it's not as varied, or its plot as engaging as I remembered, but it's still fun and I can confidently recommend it as a cute little game from PopCap.

The BEST click spam game ever made, no contest. Carpal tunnel syndrome was never this fun to get.

Good enough management game with its strengths presented in the spotlight: the dinosaurs. The game understands what the player might like and want and gives it to them to the best effort the development team could give. The best Jurassic Park game.

The ultimate Slender experience and the influence for so many horror games until FNaF, it singlehandedly lit the slender flame and it also burnt itself out of mainstream relevance do to oversaturation of content. It's really repetitive but cool.

It's an incomplete and void game. It might've had potential when it launched, now not so much.

It's my favorite game, but it punishes me for having a legitimate copy of it, and it forces me to play in a web browser main menu and an extremely unoptimized and ugly "hd" version of the best RTS. I really want to play it again. I want this game to be playable agains and I can't help but feel like I can only dream of this.

It's my contender for the best game ever made, only if RoC's campaign counts as part of it. RoC has the better campaign but everything else is outdone by TFT.

Why might this be the best game ever made? It's a complete RTS experience, with an overaching plot, iconic game design that MASSIVELY SHIFTED AND CRAFTED THE PC GAMING SPACE TO THIS DAY, creative campaign missions and worldbuilding applied to units and buildings, together with iconic characters and places. Consistent and engaging competitive experience and infinite replayability with competitive matches, custom maps and custom campaigns, this game is still played competitively at its highest level known and it never fails to bring new things to the table. The world editor adds so much to this game and the whole worldbuilding, universe and colorful visual design dares you to make your own maps. Its soundtrack and sound design make for an iconic and unforgettable experience that blends in amazingly with the whole fantasy of the world of Warcraft. It's a complete game, it doesn't need anything else to be it, but reforged could've been so much more for a 20+ year old game. It's what every RTS dreams to be and accomplish.

It's my contender for the best game ever made, if its expansion, The Frozen Throne, counts as part of it. RoC has the better campaign but everything else is outdone by TFT.

Why might this be the best game ever made? It's a complete RTS experience, with an overaching plot, creative campaign missions and worldbuilding applied to units and buildings. Consistent and engaging competitive experience and infinite replayability with competitive matches, custom maps and custom campaigns. The world editor adds so much to this game and the whole worldbuilding, universe and colorful visual design dares you to make your own maps. Its soundtrack and sound design make for an iconic and unforgettable experience. It's a complete game, it doesn't need anything else to be it, but reforged could've been so much more for a 20+ year old game.

The most fun I've ever had with a game I don't find good. Its glitches and bugs interrupt the experience consistently and some puzzles are unnecessarily complicated, sometimes ignoring its surroundings. Even if the nitro crates kill you no matter what you do, the slide jump is almost unusable and you might die due to fall damage in places you're not supposed to, the game is surprisingly fun, comfortable to play and it's really funny! I can only recommend it.


An unnecessarily good, polished, fun and satisfying experience from beginning to end, and I might replay it many times in the future. Solid, responsive and challenging.