One of the best JPGs ever. Wild how they weaved together the different timelines together in 1995.

A perfect game, did not hate a single portion playing. They don't make action platformers like this anymore and the multi-dimensional aspects were a cool concept. Maybe a little too easy, but had a blast playing. Only downside was the length being only 10 hours.

One of the best co-op games in a while. Fun, hectic, gives you unlimited arsenal feeling like the Outfit back on Xbox 360. Score may change based on how the game ages

Fantastic game with some really impressive graphics, chill gameplay, interesting story, and great music. Good 4 hour runtime, more games should be shorter imo. Felt like the ending was a little rushed, there seemed to be a mad dash to the finish. Overall recommend.

Enjoyed my time with this game. Unique spin to the FPS genre with a lot of cool ideas. Falls short in a lot of places, but hoping this gets a sequel to improve on these. Good performances by the cast, story feels inconsistent at points. Overall would recommend.