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slinky3 backloggd Nemuru Mayu

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8 hrs ago

Dalaamclouds commented on Dalaamclouds's list TOP 100 VIDEO GAMES OF ALL TIME (EXTREMELY CONTROVERSIAL) (NEXT Generation - 1996)
The fact they really wanted everyone to know that Myst isnt in their top 100 makes me feel the latter LOL @guiltclause I also wonder how many games made the list because they actually liked the game or because it was a new thing for the new console so they were told they had to put it in to help advertise it. Would explain why so, so many very new sports games are here XD maybe they’re just sports fans I dunno lol. But man no castlevania or mega man or nothing!

8 hrs ago

Dalaamclouds reviewed Quake
One of the earliest FPS in a full 3D environment, so of course it's groundbreaking! Being able to run over bridges, walk above and under each other, look up and down... even just JUMPING was considered pretty new and exciting thing to do in the genre to some players, especially for someone coming straight from Doom. Other games helped intergrate some of these things earlier than Quake, but Quake brought it all together and actually put it in a fully-3D environment rather than trying to emulate one.

The story is fun, and seems to be filled with the classic terror and suspense that FPS are so great for. The gun variety is fun to play around with, and the environments of all the chapters are pretty unique compared to eachother, playing with water, bridges, portals, and all that to help contrast one another. The thing that really makes Quake standout, in my opinion, is its 8-player online multiplayer option. The closest thing I can personally compare it to from before its release is Doom's deathmatch, but Quake's 3D environments and four additional battlemates makes it close to impossible to return to Doom. Of course, in the modern day, I could just go on Fortnite and play a shooter online against 99 random people (and I do!), but in comparison to what was available at the time, Quake was monumental. Here I am almost 30 years later still having a blast with my friend (Hi Roxy!!) trying to shoot each others faces off and grab the lightning gun before the other can attack with it first.

Check out Quake for a good boomer-shooter and a fun piece of gaming history. If you can gather seven friends, you'll have a hell of a good time.


9 hrs ago

rentheunclean commented on MelosHanTani's review of Dark Souls II
I am replaying this now and "hard to get into" really nails it, I think.
Five games later and with a broader understanding of From's back catalog, it is more difficult for me to excuse the way this game plays than it was when it first released.

9 hrs ago

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