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Michael_H_Art finished LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
I don't know where the sudden craving for a Lego game came from but I picked up this and the other LEGO Marvel games for fairly cheap on sale.
If this first game is anything to go by I feel i'm going to be in for a fairly fun time.

Obviously it's very simplisting and can get a tad monotonous at times but its meant for a much younger audience so i'm willing to give it some slack. The variety of Marvel Heroes you get to use through the campaign is rather plentiful, Having a huge open world to fly and swing around in is a really nice touch and the Lego staple humour and charm even manged to get a few chuckles out of me.

Excited to play the Second game at some point

12 hrs ago

Michael_H_Art completed Super Mario Land
Welp... that was certainly a way to spend 20 minutes.
I like a lot of the ideas and what slightly more unique environments they tried to pack into this game and considering the time it released i'm sure this was incredibly impressive back then.

But it's over before you feel like it really gets going and the physics feel all kinds of wonky. Play it for a history lesson but that's really all it's their for

8 days ago

Michael_H_Art finished MultiVersus
I would chalk up a lot of my problems with this game to a rough start but considering the beta was a year ago and from what i've heard the game has only gotten worse, I truly don't know what happened here.

Unlocking characters is a needless slog that almost requires putting some money into the game so you're not stuck with the one character the game starts you with, On Series S the game runs awfully with a good 80% of my matches either desyncing, straight up disconnecting or having sever framerate issues.
Which I think is a genuine shame because for those 20% of games I actually got to play. I was really enjoying myself, I liked the focus on 2vs2 and a lot of fighters are built around teamwork and it makes for a good laugh with friends.

I truly hope this game can only go up from because as it is... I'm left feeling really deflated

8 days ago

Michael_H_Art completed MultiVersus
I would chalk up a lot of my problems with this game to a rough start but considering the beta was a year ago and from what i've heard the game has only gotten worse, I truly don't know what happened here.

Unlocking characters is a needless slog that almost requires putting some money into the game so you're not stuck with the one character the game starts you with, On Series S the game runs awfully with a good 80% of my matches either desyncing, straight up disconnecting or having sever framerate issues.
Which I think is a genuine shame because for those 20% of games I actually got to play. I was really enjoying myself, I liked the focus on 2vs2 and a lot of fighters are built around teamwork and it makes for a good laugh with friends.

I truly hope this game can only go up from because as it is... I'm left feeling really deflated

8 days ago

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