3 Reviews liked by MichelleMac

A bit too long.
Middle section drags in comparison to the great start/ending.
Well written characters and the overall journey is enjoyable, although it lacks a bit in scale, compared to the older games.

I acknowledge that these have their audience but I really detest these grindy-for-the-sake-of-being-grindy games - especially ones this vehemently ugly and full of jank as far as the eye can see. As expected, the inventory options are notably in-depth but the gameplay is like trying to pull rocks out of a vat of glue. Objectively superior to Conan Exiles but in truth I'd much rather play that one if only because - and I'm sorry to say this but - I just don't give a shit about dinosaurs okay, never have. The best part about these games is that you can usually just console-command all the achievements in a day or two if the damn thing doesn't crash first (given you can actually navigate its shit controls and godawful UI).

Literally the best zombie game I've ever played -- and yes, I've played the entire Resident Evil franchise and the Last of Us.