I don't think Media Molocule will ever be beaten as my favourite Playstation exclusive development studio. This game is super pretty and uses the features of the Duelshock 4 super well. I cannot compare it to the PS Vita version since I have yet to start that version yet but it seems to have transitioned to PS4 well.
I'll be waiting patiently for a new game from Media Molecule for PS5.

I curse whatever made this game sell so poorly. I decided to play this game before I finished the Legacy Collections with Mega Man 10 and this game slaps. The artstyle is great, the gameplay is easier to get into with the addition of multiple difficulty and you if you don't like the changes made in New Style, you can play Old Style which is literally the original game with the new artstyle.
I wish Mega Man 2 Powered Up happened.

Unlike a lot of people, I was open to the concept and actually kinda enjoyed the first hour. But this game isn’t really that fun past that first hour. Most missions had the game throwing like 20 enemies at once at you (Even on the easiest difficulty) and the game expects you to grind to level up your heroes which shouldn’t be a thing in a beat em up.
Also the game features a V-Bucks-Like system which shouldn’t be a thing in a fully priced game. I am glad that I didn’t pay for this game and used my 7 day Playstation Now trial for it.

Probably one of my favourite Mega Man games so far, Mega Man 8 has got to be my favourite sprite style for the series and I wish Mega Man 9 and 10 kept this style.
The upgrades that Mega Man can buy now are useful and it’s nice having a simple plot with cutscenes. (Even though the English Dub is laughably bad).

I expected this game to be short just like Sonic Drift, Drift 2 and Labyrinth (which I have also played today). I beat this game in almost 15 minutes.
This game doesn't even fit in with other Sonic Games, it just feels like they made a random flying game and decided to attach Tails to it to get more sales.
It isn't even that good of a game and it is surprisingly hard, I probably wouldn't have beat it without save states.
Just hoping that Tails Adventure (The last original Sonic Game Gear game I've yet to play) is better than this.

It's another short Sonic game gear game.
I don't think its nearly as bad as everyone says it is. The game is an isometric puzzle game where Sonic must collect 3 keys in each stage and make it to a goal.

The soundtrack is actually quite good but it only features 4 levels tracks which play in every world so The Labyrinth of the Sky and The Labyrinth of the Sea have the same music which is a bit disappointing as I would've prefered one track for each world.

The problems I had was that the game was rather slow and you basically have to spin dash everywhere and the speed up shoes make the screen flicker which could cause a seizure in someone sensitive to that.

Still I think Sonic Labyrinth is disappointing and doesn't feel like a Sonic Game. Only play this if you really feel like it.

Better than the original in a few ways.
The character roster has been increased by 3 with the additions of Knuckles, Metal Sonic & Fang the Sniper.

The tracks have a lot more variety than in Sonic Drift 1 with a few tracks based on Sonic 2 and some original trakcs and luckily you'll only see a track theme twice at most unlike Sonic Drift 1 where each track theme had 3 tracks.

But the game is still incredibly short with 3 Grand Prixs with 6 tracks each.

Impressive for a kart racer on the Game Gear but the game is incredibly short with 3 Grand Prixs each featuring 6 tracks, one based on each zone from Sonic 1. It only features 4 playable characters (Sonic, Tails, Amy and Dr. Robotnik) which is disappointing but there weren't many characters in the series at this point anyways.

(I played this through The Disney Afternoon Collection)
DuckTales for NES is surprisingly good considering that it's just a licensed game. It's a tad short but makes up for it with the varied level design and banger soundtrack.

The game is decent but the horrid DLC practice makes me wish they made it a full price game with a large selection of the songs rather than a free to play game with song packs that cost 16 dollars each.