October, 2021



September, 2021

0h 48m

Reached evening of 4/15 - Ann joins the party! At the same time, got the Lovers and Magician Confidants. I definitely think Safe Mode was the right call (she got ambushed three times in a row!) - it gives her the freedom to make mistakes and struggle to learn concepts without being penalised for it

0h 30m


Played around to get the grips of the control scheme, laughed at the bunting and RUST IN PEACE. Looking forward to playing more


0h 37m

Just did school exploration over 4/13 and 4/14 - reached evening of 4/14


1h 0m



0h 35m

Reached evening of 4/12 - Ryuji joins the party!
Nothing super remarkable happened from a gameplay perspective, which, by itself, is remarkable! She is clearly getting better at navigation
What was VERY interesting was that Mum decided that she'd rather have AI party members than Direct Commands. This is going to be very interesting for me, as a person who likes that
Will note I looked away from the TV in shame when virtually naked Cognitive Ann came on screen

0h 32m

Reached 4/12! Mum is gettint better and better at exploring 3D environments, and is able to intuit where to go based on their environments now - her instinct was to go to the branch off the main hall for the faculty office (although got lost anyway due to lack of signposting), beelined to the stairs when told to go to the roof. Also made the classic mistake of going backwards on the roof door room because she was holding forwards, teaching her a little lesson about how movement input always corresponds to camera placement! Besides that, is happy that she finally has a better idea what's happening after Morgana's expository dialogue, and learned that auto-advancing cutscenes is actually more convenient. (Also noted that a lot of the dialogue doesn't contain essential information but just nudges the flow of conversation along bit by bit)