August, 2021


0h 16m

Reached 4/11; got to meeting Ryuji / "Vulgar Boy", and specifically the save point right before Joker's awakening.
Not much to say about today, except that I wasn't expecting how much trouble Mum had navigating the train line; she basically went to every possible wrong turn you could theoretically take getting out of Shibuya station. I did not realise how unclear it was in terms of direction!
She figured out where to go by following signs in the end.
I think the confusion there is intentional, although I'm not sure it was meant to be THAT difficult. That they added all the details on the signs was nice!
I look forward to the day she can navigate these environs like the back of her hand.

0h 50m


First day; started playing on my exam results day.
This playthrough is not played by me, but rather my mum! As such, will be MY observations watching her play
Game will be played on Safe Mode.
Showed her the OG opening before we started, then also watched the Royal one - she smiled during that and said she "liked it"
We then spent the first 10 mins (not incl. in Time Played) setting her up a PSN acc for her to use the Network functions which she found interesting
Surprisingly, went through the exploration section of the tut like a charm. No problems with camera control - was expecting it to be worse, since she struggles to grasp it. I think the first dungeon will be more difficult
She clearly liked Sae (as you do, she's great) because she picked the nicer dialogue options, in contrast to her more snarky Sojiro responses
She loved the visual style - she was very happy when she found out she was playing as Joker since she thought he was cool, and also later commented how much she liked his outfit. I found this cute
She was somehow MISSILE TARGETED on Kawakami's character being weird
"Kawakami's fun" "Does she have a weird character arc" "..."
We stopped after 50 mins since her eyes started getting sore; I think it's partly getting used to playing games like that but also solidly because she was playing in the dark.
Not sure when she wants to / will be able to play again, but she said she really wants to. Curious how far this is gonna go - Persona 5 is EXTREMELY long


July, 2021