Fun little top-down extraction shooter. Interesting world, albeit one that could do with a great deal of fleshing out. Practically dead servers but it never prevented me from finding a game, just meant I was usually alone in said game (minus one shocking encounter).

I'm extremely biased in favor of games with an economy, so that's a plus, too. It was a good time to play with friends.

marginally more enjoyable than Twilight Princess but man what the fuck

We would huddle together at the front of the classroom during recess and all play this shit. Genuinely a fond memory of 4th grade.

This game introduced me to music, even if it did insult me every time I tried to sing them. Hemorrhage is a banger.

I do not recall actually making it past the earliest phases of this game but I remember it to this day and that must count for something.

Thought the sunflower and the bee at the beginning were funny as hell.

Cannot imagine why they let me play this, incredible shooter for the time, my uncle beat the shit out of me every single match.

Great racing game, led me to hate myself and others.

Expansive game with creative ideas for kids. Engaged the fuck out of me when I was young, zero complaints here.

Giant monkey scared the FUCK out of me when I was like six. I had honest fear going back in only to realize it was in fact a children's game.

Didn't understand what the damn goals were but I have fond memories regardless.

My first city builder, it created in me such a craving that I cannot possibly rate it lower than this.

marginally less good than star wars, still very good lego game, is alright