The hero system of this game should honestly be introduced to every possible game that it can be applied to.

Novel idea for a zombie game. Goes hard.

Thought it was very funny when he got hit and had to run around in his undies. Death was also pretty cool.

I was pretty bored even with friends but I can get the appeal. Art style is very good.

Minigames are fun but the core game is rotten with glitches, abuse, and pay-to-win bullshit. Campaign mode is vestigial.

too disconnected of a crossover. Good for memes of the cat Nobunaga Oda just fucking up William Adams but otherwise not very good at all. Shoutout to the Monster Rancher entries.

The pinnacle of Dynasty Warriors gameplay, tied with its sibling Warriors Orochi for the best of these games that there are. Almost certainly 750+ hours on this game alone.

Controls worse than many of its peers. The create-your-own character system was interesting and though it is more in-depth than others from the series like, say, Dynasty Warriors 4, I distinctly remember it being less-good overall. Still played it a fuckload until I got the sequel.

Expansive cast of already well-liked characters, I think this first Orochi game best exemplifies everything that this genre could be. I loved this game and played it constantly with my cousin, intricately finishing every storyline.

I think a lot of the ideas here were good but it still fell short of living up to 4.

It felt alien compared to 4 despite few actual changes: I would rather just play 4.