7 reviews liked by MitsuZ69

One of the best games ever made! Every item, every dungeon, every enemy, every NPC, every boss are so well made. The story is perfect too, you feel the urge to save Hyrule from Ganon and when you acomplish, it's rewarding. Simply one of the best games ever made.

My eternal love <3

Es difícil explicar lo que es este juego para mí, lo jugué en una época difícil de mi vida y me motivaba siempre a seguir luchando. Su oda a la muerte, su trama oscura, maquillado con una estética más viva y alegre hacen que para mí sea una obra de arte. Tal vez no es el mejor, pero lo que me transmitió este juego... Ninguno lo volvió a conseguir, es por eso que para mí es perfecto, aún con sus imperfecciones.

THE Fantasy game for me. It's everything I ever wanted in a fantasy-steampunk world, the lovable cast along with the compelling story WILL get you emotionally attached to this game, Trust me.

O melhor metroidvania que já joguei, tudo nesse jogo é incrível, desde a trilha sonora impecavel, até as mecânicas, level design, história, dlc's. Tudo nesse jogo é claramente feito com muito carinho e muita competência, experiência única inigualável.

Literally might be the perfect game. Moving around the bigass map feels good, attacking the enemies can help you move around too. Bosses all have incredible music and most have opportunites to damage during their attack its so good. The adrenaline from the fights contrasting with the desolation and solitude of everywhere else is so incredible..

News: local man ruins everything

Beatus Sanctus
Bonum fati par dia.
Domus aeternus fiat morte
Erit sanguinem opulentuuum

This is Bloodborne, the best PlayStation exclusive in my opinion.
So, it was my first FromSoftware game and man, i loved it!
FromSoftware really nailed the atmosphere in this one, a combo of Gothic ,Victorian and Lovecraftian horror.
The soundtrack.. my God what a soundtrack.. its art, nothing else.
I gotta be honest though, The Old Hunters dlc is what makes this game a complete masterpiece. Its definitely one of the best DLCs ever.
Without this DLC this would still be a great game but it wouldn't be on this level.
The game itself was very easy, the easiest in the series (alongside Demon's Souls), no boss fight took me more than 5 tries, and it was my first FromSoftware game like i said.
Personally i dont want a remaster/remake, i'd rather have Bloodborne II but maybe we can have them both at some point.