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I was expecting much more... The whole idea is interesting. But the only cool character came out of the picture way too soon. The ending was so cringe for me... Many characters are annoying, including the main character. Ryan is cute tho, I kissed him:).

While this game is not exactly my type, even I can appreciate how unique its atmosphere is. The characters are well-written. Everyone makes bad and good choices and you can understand them. The only thing I still cannot accept about this game is the fact that there were so many ways to reach the ending with (almost) everyone being happy, but it seems like the developers wanted some more drama:D...

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So much work was put into the making of this game! Just like everyone, I adored Connor and his story. The duo of him and Hank is just iconic! His playstyle is also the most interesting one as I love stories where you solve crimes. Marcus is also awesome and I feel like he does not get as much love as he deserves:). With Kara... I did not enjoy her story as much. One of the reasons was Alice's true identity. This plot twist literally broke the whole moral of her story.
All in all, the game is great!

Well, what can I say... I am giving this game 4 stars because of its meme potential and nostalgia:D. Every story route is basically the same... But it is still fun and relaxing to play this game. I got all the achievements in about 10 hours. My favorite achievement I am still proud of is "F*** YOU MALIX!" Love this one:).

A great game that feels like a fairy tale. Even though I usually do not like turn-based combat, I enjoyed it here. The music and characters were also great!

One of my favorite games of all time! There is something relaxing about butchering uruks :D! Loved the mechanics and the story.

Man, games where you are a detective and search through case files, articles, and so on are the best! Story was a bit lacking, but I loved the mechanics.

Enjoyed it as much as the first game, if not more! If only there were more parts to it:).

That was painful. Did not understand anything. Wrecked my mental health. Meme-y tho.

Absolutely beautiful and precious story. Bittersweet... I had to check the forums to understand the whole story and it touched me.

Did not expect to love this game so much!
Well-written characters, engaging story, fun gameplay:). Enjoyed it a lot. Also, the DLCs were cool too! I love how you can recruit 2 companions and they will interact between each other.

PS: Felix is my new husband <3.

💀💀💀... pls don't tell anyone I played that...
PS: red means instinct and blue means logic. Didn't know that and went with all red. Bad idea. Also, we, the people who played it, need therapy:(.

Easily my favorite game EVER. Love the story, the characters (Kassandra <3), the gameplay... Got all the achievements! I want to replay it now:).

5 stars for the mechanics and idea
2 stars for the actual story
Was still fun to play!