Although this game had some really REALLY REALLY frustrating parts to it, it was an incredible experiences and my good time with it far outshined the bad. A fucking plus. A classic with reason. Great themes to it as well.

So yeah.

I have no clue what to say yet. I have a windows notepad of things I had written about the game. It’s 92 lines long. I will be back.

Weird as hell supernatural scp esque action game. Incredible. Remedy never disappoints.

Pretty damn fun stand-alone expansion focused more on action.

A masterpiece. Incredible from beginning to end. I will never forget my experience with this game. The combat is incredible. The Characters are incredible. The story was incredible. The side missions are amazing. It is bugged and has some flaws but those are drops in the bucket for an unforgettable experience.

So yeah.

Pretty awesome. It’s weird and I like weird so I liked it. Pretty spooky at some parts. Story was engaging all the way through. Combat was frustrating at some points but not enough to ruin the experience. Loved the presentation and atmosphere.

So yeah.