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Modal completed Human: Fall Flat
Thoughts on the new levels:

Port: The coastal Mediterranean aesthetic is pretty excellent and it has some nifty platforming here and there. However, most of the level's progression and challenges is stuff that's already been done a lot better previously in the game, even in the base game levels. 6/10

Underwater: Follows in the legendary footsteps of water levels before it, in that: it's bad, the reduced gravity is a horrible gimmick that pretty much ruins the entire level, and it features some new music that's all pretty cool. Although, the game doesn't even get to be pretty as the promo pictures are completely false. I expect some mystical blue and colorful retreat, and then the game ends up looking like a cut unfinished beta level from Spongebob BFBB. There's also admittedly some cool platforming here and there. 3/10

20 hrs ago

Modal reviewed
Vampire Survivors (developed by Supercell)

I don't know what my thing has been recently with playing roguelike mobile games, but I gotta stop. Anyway, it manages to be a pretty basic and fun topdown roguelike with some cool mechanics and pressure to pursue builds (which is good for a meathead like me who just takes whatever abilities seem attractive at the moment). However, take this, and bake it into a confusing jungle of mysterious currencies, convoluted menus, and freemium game practices.

1 day ago

1 day ago

Modal completed

1 day ago

Modal completed You Must Build A Boat
There is some weirdo out there who was like

"Yeah! Let's fuse a Candy Crush/Bejeweled tile-matcher mobile game with a roguelite, all with some classic RPG influence! That'll be good!"

And you know what? Props. It still is pretty sick. It is a little bit more linear than I remembered, but it's not often this style of tile-matcher has this much depth and mechanics to it. And with risk-reward systems too? They were cooking.

9 days ago

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