3 reviews liked by MonitoLol

One of the most smartly done games i have the chance to play.
Everything that this game does is as solid as a rock and brilliant as a diamond, literally the only reason I don't give this a 5/5 is because the punishing randomness in some boss fights that isn't very fun

This... This game.
I'm still struggling to make a review out of it because it's a game where you can create and post games you make, wich means you can make a banger of a game or just trash. But as you might know already, it leans more into the second one.

The main page is infested by horrible games, the only game that actually its actually good is Doors and that's it. BUT (and this is a big but), there are some really good games in the platform, Phighting, Robot 64, Running from the internet, etc.
In this very long review, I'll be reviewing some of those games that I can recommend to people.

Phighting 4/5
Holy shit
Imagine overwatch but more chaotic... And that's the good part about it.
I've seen a lot of criticism to overwatch and a in general to the hero's shooter genre, and is understandable. The amount of chaos of those types of games can throw people off it, but Phighting does something weird... it embraces it.
The songs, characters, maps, everything screams Roblox and shitpost while being an actual great game. The gameplay is great, specially in tiny servers, and the characters have a very distinct gameplay. Plus, PLAYING SUPPORTERS ISN'T BORING, wich is weird to see. The reason of it is because you are actively part of the combat while not sitting behind your teammates all the time AND you work as a supporter, not like a tank that throws potions from time to time.
This game has its flaws obviously, like the fact that it's not beginner friendly at all, the servers can sometimes be very laggy (although that's more like Roblox's fault), playing in mobile is so hard, and some maps are not very well designed, but overall it's great!

Block tales 4/5
My second favourite game from Roblox. This game had to be in the classical event, but... Yeah, Roblox company doesn't know what a good game is.
Take a good portion of Paper Mario's gameplay, add a mug of classic Roblox style, and a pinch of actually good jokes and you have this game.
Just... Play it, you'll like it, I'm not gonna spoil it to you, it's just very fun.

Ghostly Manor 3.5/4
Top 3... Yeah it's very good.
This game it's not very well designed actually, but it's a really fun ride, specially with friends, it's fucking Luigi's Mansion, it's good.
This game is still in W.I.P, so expect some bugs (although I didn't find a lot, it's actually pretty well tested), the freaking camera in mobile is very hard AND it's more like an adaptation rather than an actual original game, it has the same problems with Luigi's mansion and the same good things, but I find this version more accessible because... Because it's Roblox.
Good game.

Running from the Internet 3.5/5
I'm fucking dying from epilepsy.
No joke, don't play this game if you have very sensitive eyes... But if you don't, prepare for one of the most fun gameplay loops you can play.
This game has a LOT of flaws, and I'm not talking like I don't know, I'm level 120 since January, I know how bad this game is balanced, but Jesus Christ is fun if you don't want to exploit the unbalanced part of it.
I can't really describe the gameplay, it's nothing like any game I've played, just, imagine ultrakill with Mario kart boxes... Yeah

Jesus Christ this is a big review, thanks for reading!

When you make a game, you want it to be fun, engaging, that you make your players to fall in love with them by their story, gameplay or some other things.

This game only haves a decent story and that's it.
Characters, story, exploring, lore, everything that this game does is to have a chance to have you to spend money for the gacha system and the farming.

This game haves really good map, exploring, music and a masterclass level of art direction that I love, but if a game that does so much good things to just make the players want to spend money in it just makes it a golden piece of trash.
The gameplay is boring especially in fighting because it's involved in "wow funny number go up" and that's it, you don't have to practice, or learn things, you just need to have overpowered characters that you probably had to buy them just to play with them.

And also, I don't have any complains against farming games, I like strandew valley, but if a game about farming doesn't have a fun farming, y'know it haves a problem