Probably one of the best and most innovative RPG's I have ever played.
Toby Fox is a creative genius, and this is a MUST play for anyone that is a fan of this genre of game.

I've played about 300 hours of Overwatch (most in QP and Competitive) and honestly when you're playing with friends it's a blast.
However the current state of the game I find myself getting frustrated when playing solo and it's honestly not as fun anymore thanks to Blizzard adding questionably balanced heroes and trying to appeal to e-sports rather than making a fun online shooter.

Valve's greatest achievement was the portal series, and this is possibly one of the best squeals of all time.

Probably the most fun I've ever had playing multiplayer in a video game..

I find it hard to give this game a "review score"
But regardless it's a masterpiece and probably the best sandbox game ever made.

I played this in order to have more context for my play-through of The Witcher 3..
Let's just say I didn't get any of that and was left more confused than anything.
Not a horrible game, but the amount of exposition and information being thrown at you is disorienting and honestly I have no desire to replay this entry.

The definitive way to experience the trilogy and man what a package. I really wish they put a little more effort into ME2 & 3 as they did with the first one, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose.