This game is good... Just it, I liked the sceneries, the ambient and the sounds, but I thought this game kind short, kinda easy and boring when approaching the last races, become kinda repetitive

THIS GAME IS HORRIBLE, I know that this game is free, but after certain time, the number of jewelry becomes scarce and that sucks, you just don't get the cards and turn them into silver, and one achievement of this game called "Lucky Amplifier" is terrible to do, you depend on RNG in this trash game, just don't play it

A incredible game, but overrated

I'm played this game on my Xbox 360 and my PS3, but I'm back to this game cuz I discovered a glitch where you can get achievements easily and I did it, and in the past when I beat this game, I liked the campaign, It's not amazing like MW2 and MW3 campaigns but is very very good. The multiplayer is incredible but worst than Black Ops 1, that maps are great but map design is repetitive and have multiple three path maps, Black Ops 1 had multiple good weapons and have one of the bests gold camo in the franchise, but Black Ops 2 despite have good weapons in other categories, have a great dominance of SMGs (especially MSMC) and shotguns, and have termal LGMs wtf

Tranzit sucks

I SIMPLY LOVED IT, I beat this on veteran and did 100% on Xbox, it's a 2005 game and still beautiful, the ambient is incredible (mainly the levels that takes place in the rain), the game is hard but the hard that you die but you still wanna play cuz the game is very good, the only problem is that the characters are all superficial and the story kinda doesn't really matter cuz it's WW2, just Price is iconic


This game is good, I liked his story and his atmosphere, listening to classical music at the beginning of the game cuz the tapes and the records was a cool experience, but unfortunately the game has many frame drops on Xbox One and without giving spoilers, the ending is a trash

Other horrible game, the movement is strange and you don't know where to go cuz of the camera, it had the potential to be good but unfortunately it isn't

The campaign is very mediocre, due to the fact that it was rushed it made it extremely short, you don't have time to develop any character, Bell is a horrible protagonist and most of the missions are trash where do you hide most using a stealth that is more similar to a generic stealth from a Ubisoft game than anything else, the game is extremely easy and the American ending is weak, but it makes more sense in the story than the Soviet ending

The multiplayer is good, better than other modern call of duty games like MW19, Vanguard, MWII and MWIII, but the score streak system is bad and noob friendly, It's not rewarding at all, and SBMM broke this mode

The zombies is good but it has no identity, it has a mini map, score streak, the menu is the same as the multiplayer and the easter egg is extremely easy

The comparison of this game with God of War is inevitable, but to me, Dante's Inferno is BETTER than God of War in everything, the holy and unholy paths are a good idea, the ambientation is incredible, the scenes are beautiful and the enemies are very memorable, the two only problems is the fact that despite the enemies are memorable, they names are kinda generic, and the bosses are forgettable (except Lucifer)

Other overrated Call of Duty (like Black Ops 2), the graphics are good and technically the game is incredible, but the optimization is horrible, this game have frame drops, bugs and when you start the game, the screen gets drizzle, before Warzone shut down, you couldn't PLAY THE CAMPAIGN WITHOUT GLITCH, it's simply bizarre. The characters like Alex and Farah are good but the story in general is weak and Barkov is a horrible villain, Infinity Ward don't know make good villains (except OG Makarov), and the campaign is so scripted... Truly, it looks like a PlayStation exclusive, the game doesn't give you ANY freedom to do the things, you literally just follow a script and if you do something outside of that, the mission fails or you die, in many missions you spend more time walking or using stealth than shooting (it's not extreme like Black Ops Cold War, but it happens), the game ends suddenly and the final mission doesn't look like a final mission, apart from that the campaign is very short and that's ridiculous considering a game that had 3 years of development (Cold War is also short, but the game was made in 14 months, so you understand why it's short), in summary, this campaign is PATHETIC for anyone that knows the MINIMUM of the franchise.
The multiplayer is one of the worsts that I already saw in Call of Duty history, the maps are horrible, the map design, the TTK and the spawn are horrible (as other games made by Infinity Ward), and the game don't BASICALLY THINGS THAT ANY OLD COD MADE QUIETLY, now we don't have enemies in mini map, don't have map voting, the fact that the game don't have paid DLCs may be good for someone watching from afar, this game use seasons and battle pass system like Fortnite, but basically Activision use this to mask the fact that the new cods have little content (even the cods made in 3 years as the Infinity Ward games) and in the minds of modern gamers it's okay release little content since it's free (even if you paid $60 for the game), the good things of this multiplayer is the new Ground War 32x,32, the gunsmith (something created in Black Ops 3 but that didn't come back in Infinite Warfare, WWII and Black Ops 4), the movement and Damascus being final camo (just Damascus cuz gold and diamond are ugly). MW 2019 is beautiful, good technically, presenting a new ending with good sound design and things like that, but without this beautiful cover, the games is terrible

And Spec Ops sucks (except survival mode)

The games is good, the combat is the best thing here (specially Katana mode), but the stealth system ir poor and I didn't liked the history, but soundtrack is goat, isn't a generic hack and slash, but I don't think that being the masterpiece the fanboys say

It was my first musou (I think it writes that way), and sincerely I liked, I never watched One Piece but after this game, I was with desire of watch this anime, anyway, I don't have much to say because I don't know much about this genre, but I had fun with the game and that's it

As much as I didn't like Halo 5, I still like that game's Forge, and Halo 5: Forge, despite being quite buggy, is a cool addition

It was basically a attempt to create a Celeste clone and they failed

As StoryTale, Stumble Guys was basically a attempt to create a Fall Guys clone to mobile I guess, but release this game on console and pc doesn't make sense cuz Fall Guys is available in this platforms and is free to play

This game is incredible, but unfortunately is the worst classic cod, Call of Duty 1 and 2 are better than this one, probably Call of Duty 3 is the first cod focussed in his characters and not mainly in the WW2, and since its a game that only portrays a single conflict, the variety of scenarios is much smaller, in addition to the game having very unnecessary QTE and several bugs and technical problems, besides taking many elements from Call of Duty 2 Big Red One, there isn't much to say really