Last Epoch 2024

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 28, 2024

First played

February 21, 2024

Platforms Played


Really solid ARPG. I enjoy the combat and build variety, and the endgame is pretty fun and seems interesting from what i've done so far(about 5 hours). Sure the online at launch isn't functional but idk why i'd care when theres a perfectly playable offline mode. The campaign is really not interesting at all from a story standpoint but i enjoyed the locations and the bosses. Found it pretty enjoyable, though I wouldn't say i'm an ARPG hardcore fan, I'm more of a casual enjoyer of them. I know people get REALLY insane about their preferred APRG, going crazy about if its like this one or that one, but I'm just judging it as a game, and its overall quite good. Excited to get more into the endgame and to try out other classes