Pretty interesting dungeon crawler mixed with a word puzzler. Played the demo and decided to check it out fully, and yeah its pretty neat. If you're into puzzles and riddles you'll have a great time with this. I enjoy it, but it definitely gets to the point where i get more of a headache than anything after a while. Cool aesthetic and gameplay, even if its not something I'd play a ton of.

One of my favorite shooters of recent years. Unique weapons, interesting art direction and good level design. Doesn't make me wanna throw up like Dusk did. Wish the DLC was more, but it was still solid

I guess I never ranked this on here, but this was the first horror game I really played to completion. Before this, I thought myself too afraid to get into the genre. And this game scared the shit out of me at the time, I'm sure it'll have less of an impact on me now, but it holds a special place to me being my 'introduction' to horror games. Its tense, atmospheric and interesting to explore. The sound design really got me when I played.


Well made audio/visual experience. Not really much else to say about it, its beautiful to look at, doesn't outstay its welcome, and you dont really think that hard about it afterward.

When I first played this game in 2019, I really loved the story, Senuas character and the way her mental illness was presented, and the overall presentation from her perspective, along with the general art direction. I found the combat fine but nothing exceptional. Thats more or less where I stand now, but I feel even stronger on the story of grief and acceptance told through a very unique perspective. The combat, sure, its not amazing, but its passable and doesn't make the game any worse by existing. Really though, this is an incredibly well told story with one of the best characters in video games, with a performance by Melina Juergens that rivals any of the best game performances ever. Definitely a must play just to experience it, very excited for the sequel.

Man, this is a shame. Not because the game isn't good, but because it could have been even better than it turned out to be. Let me start with what I liked.

The art direction in the game is pretty fantastic, everything fits the setting, the trash from above littering the ocean combining with the organic environment is pretty masterfully done. The level design is pretty great as well, the levels feel well connected and with plenty to explore off the beaten path. The shell system and how it can also enhance your weapons was pretty cool, and definitely mixed up gameplay so things didn't get too same-y for the most part. The soundtrack isn't something i'd put in my playlist, but its definitely fitting for the game and it never put me off. The combat, while far from perfect(i'll get to that) is mostly good and I did enjoy the gameplay, bosses and enemies for the most part. Now to what I didn't enjoy

First of all, the map. Man, what the hell is this map? Its literally just a stagnant paper map that barely gives any information. You get some minor metroidvania like powers for backtracking and exploring, but the map really puts you off from doing so with how little it helps in the exploration. Next, the camera. Especially the lock on camera, which for some strange reason they decided to put giant black bars on the top and bottom when you locked on that really limit visibility. On top of that, its very easy for the camera to get slammed into the wall along with you when your pushed up against one, making combat during that kind of situation very annoying. Granted, dark souls has a similar camera but this game has more moments were your pushed against a wall in my experience. Next, the combat does have some occasional jankiness. On more than one occasion, after hooking an enemy or hitting a major attack after an enemys poise is broken, i would be sent into the air and either fall through the ground, or end up in a spot of the map i wasn't suppose to be. This also occasionally happened when an enemy attacked me up against a small object on the ground. Very frustrating and definitely ruined certain sections for me. I also found that the game overstayed its welcome for the final 25%. More than once, I found myself thinking "yeah this is the final boss" only for it to just not be and the game kept going, far after I completed the skill tree and had my build set, and it felt the game was crescendoing. It didn't help I found the story to be kind of not interesting? Its not that I didn't agree with a lot of the themes, but I've seen this kind of commentary done a million times especially in indie games at this point, and this game certainly doesn't do it better than the actual good ones. So for me the ending certainly dragged and I was ready to be done far before the end credits.

Another crabs treasure is far from a terrible game, but its also far from an exceptional one. Its certainly one of the better souls-likes not made by fromsoft, but its still riddled with issues that I find it hard to recommend outside of a decent discount.

The premise for this game seemed pretty unique and it definitely had some arthouse kind of setup that I was intrigued by. Unfortunately though, this game loves to stutter and stutter hard. Almost every time I turned around in this game i was getting at least a half second stutter, usually in new areas it would lag and hang for a good 15-20 seconds and then I'd get constant minor stutters. I tried to load it onto my other SSD, but that didn't fix the issue either on top of fiddling with settings constantly. I guess I'll just watch someone play this one, really unfortunate.

People can laugh if they want but the game is actually good now. I enjoy the gameplay loop of 4 and now with NPCs and plenty of quests the game is basically fallout 4 with some live service multiplayer on top, which i think mostly works, other than the really awful fallout 1st and purchasable items such as repair kits, scrap kits and locking certain storage behind paywalls. The base story of 76, while a bit samey at times, is actually pretty good and has some pretty well written characters that would be even better if they were, y'know, actually characters and not just logs. The wastelanders update added a different main quest which im most of the way through, and outside of some grind its definitely improved. I'm excited to get into more of the content. If you like the gameplay loop of fallout 4 and you can tolerate some of the online aspects, its worth playing.

Persona 3 is a wonderful RPG with a mostly great story and characters, fun combat and style like no other. I played the original game for about 20 hours back in the day before my brother sold his copy, and I loved the social building aspects of it. I pretty much never actually finish persona games as I tend to get distracted by other things eventually or put off by the pacing but I did still enjoy this a great deal in the 50 hours i've put into it so far. Maybe i'll actually come back and finish it one day unlike every other time i play a persona game. I will say, I like it more than i liked 5. If your anything like me and get put off by the pacing of extremely bloated JRPGs you probably wont finish it, but that doesn't mean the game sucks, its still well worth your time.

Shelved the update for now, but playing with my GF was a good time and the update added quite a bit. I'll probably jump more into it later.

Brought Isaac back from the dead after afterbirth+. If you somehow haven't played Isaac at this point, you owe it to yourself to try it, with the DLCs. Its one of those games you could play for 600 hours and not get bored. Trust me, I did.

obviously new vegas is a legendary game, i'm gonna log my thoughts on the dlc here

Old World Blues: I loved this when i was younger, nowadays I think its a fine DLC that kinda loves the smell of its own farts too much
Honest Hearts: Pretty solid, I enjoy Joshua grahams character and the story overall, I remember it being pretty short though.
Lonesome Road: Ulysses is the most annoying fucking character i've ever heard in my life. The exploration also sucked.
Dead Money: Younger me hated this, but nowadays its by far my favorite new vegas DLC. Great gameplay, incredible characters and a fun storyline. Probably the best fallout DLC, at least that i've played.

A game that I enjoyed but I wish had more meat to the bone. just when the levels are really starting to get more in depth and interesting, the game is over. I did like what I played, but with only 3 hours played to completion, I found it a bit too short. Still a good game, though

Pretty fun, simple but satisfying 'roguelike' where you play roulette with a shotgun that changes loadouts every round. Deeper into the game you get items, but none of them are super difficult to understand when to use them. The atmosphere is really unsettling and the overall dark but slightly(maybe unintentionally) comedic tone I really vibed with personally. For 3 bucks its an easy recommend, just dont expect a game you're gonna play for 50 hours, or even 10 really.