kh2 on critical mode is the most hyped i've ever gotten playing a game. Kingdom Hearts gameplay is so addictive and rewarding, and combined with the super over the top narrative, KH2 stands as one of the best action games i've played

I love Sonic, i love the high speed gameplay that rewards replays, i love his friends and playing as multiple characters, i love the soundtrack as it was a huge influence on my music taste today, i just love this game

this game is my childhood man

incredible narrative, still relevant today, and addicting, albeit simple, gameplay. MGS2 is a mind-fuck from beginning to end and delivers a story that is timeless in both good and bad ways

This game is amazing. The gameplay may be lacking in areas but the message of this game have impacted me in a way that no other game has, and really made me reevaluate how i look at life as a whole