The worms that make up my brain make it so I can only play games in order, even if there's no logical reason to need to do so, so I HAD to play this game. And I don't regret it.

It's a small RPG game with blank playable characters, 6 options of classes, good if simple turn-based combat, some fun little side content (like proving yourself to Bahamut in order to get your class upgraded or walking back to deliver Adamantite to Smyth the Smith so you can get Excalibur) and a simple plot that shows the devs' want to make something bigger and better (and they will!). It can feel a little generic, or "simple" as I said a few times, but that's because it MADE those things generic, it's one of the places where it all began.

I had a good 19ish hours with it, even if at least 4 of those were just me walking around, trying to get Warmech to spawn so I could complete the bestiary, and 1 hour of repeatedly checking the map to see if I missed anything. I highly recommend it!

I often think of Crash Bandicoot (both the character and the game) as being an important part of my formative years, I received its disc, together with the console, as a sort of inheritance from a cousin of mine after he bought himself a PS2. It is with such rose tinted glasses that I looked towards playing this game again, and that the text that follows was shaped by:

It's pretty good.
I'm not the biggest platformhead around(at time of writing), so I can't throw comparisons that were shaped by a better execution of its core concepts, nor do I have a deep understanding of what "better" would really entail, but I think that given a similar ignorance of the medium or a possible understanding of its flaws that Crash Bandicoot is indeed "pretty good", it was (for me) often challenging but never frustratingly so and I liked the stage selection map being an overview of the islands, unfortunately I found the bosses (one of my favourite parts of gaming) to be very lacking, but I enjoyed the normal levels more so I had fun , just like in the good ol days before a fully developed frontal cor- huh.

Anyway, uh, I'd love to say Crash Bandicoot is my favourite game ever but after two levels I realised that my cousin had actually gifted me Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, which I have yet to replay, and I only played the first one for a bit when I got confused which disc was the second's. Also, Idk why I wrote this thing this way, what's up with that?

You'll have to pardon my low quality review for this questionable quality game, I just feel like I need to write something and I can't keep Warframe unlogged anymore, I want to be truthful and I can't do so without writing a review about this game.

I have played Warframe since it came out, I started with a friend who picked Loki as his first frame, and even though I dropped that account, I kept coming back for more after a while, resulting in at least 3 accounts I dropped before finally calling it quits for good.

I don't think Warframe sucks , I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone ever, I do think it's a bad game that is lacking quite often, it can be fun just not for long, the many in-game systems, for example, are fun for a while but they lack depth and in the end are just a different grind for faction or mastery, you can mod your weapons, customize your frames, get a few pets, but you have to change it up in order to advance your mastery which you NEED in order to more quest, the game throws you to grind whether you want to or not. And the game lore is interesting enough to keep you hooked on it but it doesn't feel deep enough to actually reward your interest, the many quests you do sparse story development, you are either taking steps or leaps.

What I'm getting at is that nothing is deep enough to actually reward your investment, no grind left me feeling satisfied, Warframe will feed you while you walk the desert but it will never grant you an oasis, it will never quench the thirst it imposes on you.

I recall being so mad I wasted money on this bullshit that I wrote a text in english for the first time ever, a review calling it a piece of shit.

Not the worst game, but there's hardly any reason to play or recommend it when rebirth exists and is better in every conceivable way. Having that said the huge amount of piss and shit is off-putting to say the least (a problem inherent to the series, so it does not get better on rebirth)