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1 day

Last played

November 11, 2009

Platforms Played



I'm giving this "game" a slightly higher score because I honestly DID enjoy the playthrough with a group of friends. Does it suck? Yeah PROBABLY but I had a FUN time and this lives in my memory!!

So my copy of this arrived on my 19th birthday - I had a party with friends, and when this arrived I popped it into the Wii and said "friends. let's do this. spookytime."
Some of my friends were not happy to play scary game (they are weak cowards) but I said no, it is my birthday let's do this.
Anyway, we mostly laughed at the ghosts and dumb jumpscares (there are a LOT), but one particular moment stands out: in the first level there's a door along a corridor, as you approach it the music starts to pick up indicating a jumpscare, but... it never happened. I walked past it and the music died down. We walked back and the music picked back up again?? Clearly something was meant to happen. But we said "whatever" and kept walking and left the level. HOWEVER on a subsequent run of the first level, my friend was playing and we got up to the same point again and all of our guards were lowered, he looked at the door just right and BOOM loud jumpscare that caught everyone off guard. Both my friend and I were holding birthday cake, and both of us hurled it into the air and cake went everywhere. We dubbed the game as cake-droppingly scary.