22 reviews liked by Mp4Tubes

Today is the day that I officially give up. Ever since launch I have wanted, neigh have I quested for the Robin item the Staff of Grayson. I really wanted to play as Nightwing in this game and thought that if I just kept playing a little bit more, I could get it. I grinded achievements and lootboxes for over a hundred hours trying to find my white wale. Unfortunately I think it's become clear, It's been over half a decade since I started and if it was going to happen at this point it probably would have already.

So goodbye Injustice, once upon a time I would have called you my favorite fighting game of all time, but now you're just going to be a painful memory.

Fuck you Ed Boon


P.S. Keep Joker out of Injustice 3 and put Nightwing back where he was as a full character or I will riot in the streets.

Way more compelling than Undertale with better gameplay and characters. Can't wait for the sequel.

god, holy shit. so good. it made my think a lot for a good 24 hours, and then never again. love it so much

im sure its good but it crashed my computer lol

this could have easily been my favorite fnaf game. could have.