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GOTY '23

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Very simple and short game which is easy to understand and play. Animation is fantastic and charming. Merchant selling mechanic was really addicting and the town-building was really simple. Soundtrack is great. The ending wrapped around in a really logical and fun way. The grinding in this game wasnt obnoxious either, which is a big pluss.

Organizing your inventory to accommodate curses on items was a really unique and refreshing concept. I would love to see this more often in roguelikes.

Sadly, Moonlighter lacks depth.

Combat feels janky and the ability to experiment with weapons are locked behind rerunning dungeons, which is unfortunate considering I don't want to waste more time when I want to progress, making it feel monotonous and a chore.

Some vendors were either useless or not really useful; take or pick. Your rival merchant shop wasn't useful in any way. The relic vendor was okay, but not necessary at all when I can essentially use my gold on something more useful. The banker wasn't really as useful either considering I could make 10x of the interests he could return.

Dungeons were repetitive and the "random" factor didn't really play a strong factor. Bosses felt repetitive.

Overall, this game was still a good playthrough and I would honestly recommend the game to a kid. It's short and fun. I really love the animation in the game too.

The game however, could have been fleshed out more both in story and combat if it truly wanted to stick out and be remembered.

This game has fundamentally changed the way I view the world ever since I finished this game.

Disco Elysium fully encapsulates what it means to live in a cruel world with different ideologies that strive for the betterment of the people (or certain people), but ultimately contradicting itself. However, it is the people that live in this cruel world who end up suffering in the long run. The game focuses on the interactions of these individuals (NPCs), and how they manage in their lives. With their beliefs. With their perspective.

Contents of the game consists of very broad and rich language that delves deep into the smallest of details and has an approach towards the world in a very unorthodox way compared to other CRPGs in terms of details; ranging from describing a locker that has no inherent meaning to the absolute most grandiose of abstract concepts.

Mentioned before, the unorthodox method of how Disco Elysium approaches their world is not through combat encounters, but rather with dialogue and rolling a dice equalling to "speech checks" in order to progress a storyline or to do mundane tasks that may (or may not) play a huge role in future endeavors.

What lies in the heart of this game is the personification of your skills. They have their own narrative voices in dialogues, and depending on what skill you have more leniency towards to (through skillpoints), the stronger that voice will be in dialogues. They will often have their own input on choices you make or who you talk to, where you are in the environment or even tackling ideas and thoughts you may have; seemingly having influence on the choices you may or may not make.

The world building is fantastic. It takes heavy inspiration from post-Soviet countries from our world in order to present a semi-working society and a looming shadow of an idea that has waned from decades passed, further showcasing a tired and broken environment with buildings barely standing and worn down pavement from a history that is slowly fading into time. It effectively mirrors the same state of countries that we see in our real world.

There is a bunch of replayability with different endings and different choices that eloquently illustrates a world that reflects ours. A captivating and mysterious world ready to be unveiled with a really strong story about who our main protagonist really is.

I heavily recommend this to anyone who has the patience and time. A 5/5 masterpiece.