This game goes so hard. The title screen rocks your seat with an epic opening theme as you await for the equally exciting journey ahead. The ways this game just takes up to 11 everything Asylum did right demands you play it. The one thing Asylum maintains superior to this game is atmosphere but only due to how claustrophobic the Asylum is compared to the openness of the city. The combat adds several new elements to spice up and test your skills developed in the last game. So many famous Batman villains teased or present in the last game make a great memorable appearance here with most characters reprising their iconic roles. Kevin Conroy steals the show once again as Batman for an intimidating yet empathetic character ready to take on the world as his responsibility and getting out of any tricky situation no matter what. The hunt for all of The Riddler's stuff can drag by the end of the game and honestly this only gets more demanding in the next two titles but exploring the world is satisfying and fun so it doesn't drop the quality for me. A highest recommendation from me.

This game was a really good time, and a phenomenal start to what would become one of the greatest series in gaming. A very unexpected hit since for the longest time, Superhero/comic book based games were just mediocre to outright terrible shovelware, but this game was a genuine masterpiece for the time. The Arkham games released since make this a little tough to go back to, but that's only because the combat and stealth would eventually become so in depth and fleshed out. Arkham Asylum still maintains a respectable identity as an engaging game thanks to the iconic setting brought to life for this generation of games. A must play for certain, especially given what the rest of the series has in store.

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The storybook duo shows two sides of the SEGA experimentation coin. On this hand, we get a game that I think given a fair chance with the new controls - can be a pleasant surprise. The combat is simple but I think largely maintains Sonic's famous speed and momentum without grinding you to a hault every time the game asks you to fight. The story is simple with some memorable new characters and enjoyable spins on the familiar ones. The soundtrack is an absolute killer and one of SEGA's best for both in game themes and the Crush 40 tracks. The game is visually pleasant on the eyes for a mid launch Wii title. If you have the game on Dolphin with a wiimote or even an original Wii, then it's a game I recommend every Sonic fan at least gives a shot. The game is fairly short, only going about 3-5 hours, roughly 8-10 for 100% completion.


This game embodies a mixture of fun combat and a compelling narrative. Mixing a roguelite game style with a good story can be tough, but Supergiant knocked it out of the park with this one. Hades mixed a style of constantly changing level layouts and upgrades with a narrative about escaping Hell through the help of the Olympian gods. I was able to stay engaged to the story despite the countless hours of battling and collecting treasures thanks to the gorgeous art style and great voice performances for the characters. My main playstyle is on mobility mixed with high damage but the game has so many weapons, boons, and upgrades that anyone who even remotely enjoys the hack and slash genre can find something they like here. This game gets my highest recommendations.