Mechanically it's an immersive and addicting game to play. The balance is a little poor in that 99% of the bosses are legitimately infantilized by a specific build that I won't spoil. I love the story and the greater implications it goes for. It's a little dry to some but give the narrative a chance. There are plenty of epic setpieces to keep your attention. The customization depth is immaculate and there genuinely is no other mech-based game as good as this out right now in 2024. I hope this will inspire some others to come out in the future. FromSoft delivers a masterpiece yet again. Beware a couple of those FromSoft bosses. They will get you good.

I love this. It's a tight addictive little game based on a scary old idea. It's literally less than a buck and a half. Well worth it. I hope there's some kind of multiplayer added. Would be great with friends

There's a shell of a fun game buried here under really annoying boomer shooter trends like hidden walls, loads of hitscan, and obscene damage intake. The limited lives mechanic is just dumb and I DONT LIKE IT. I also glitched out and died multiple times with the interactible terrain towards the end of the game by just falling through the floor. There's some cool weapons like the Claymore and shotgun, but this game took me multiple sessions to finish what shouldn't feel like it lasts so long.

The game is just a mixed bag for me. The story was fun at moments but tedious and dull in others. Peter just gets treated like shit for very little reason while Miles is just off doing nonsense while Peter is almost dying.

This is an anomaly of a game. It's so clearly not good, right? The Nightmare system is terribly communcated, if at all. The effects are so obnoxiously and infuriatingly unfun it makes you ask what kind of person put this in? A system that punishes you for playing a Mega Man game freely in the order you want?

FNAF only coincidentally got worse in some sequels. FNAFSL is basically a frustrating point and click with a nonsense story but something about it makes people and myself like it still.

It lives up to the hype of setting the standard for what a great Spider-Man game should be. A ton of mobility, stealth, and gadgets that put every Spider-Man ability to the test. I found the game surprisingly challenging to get into but once you spend a couple hours on the game it feels really good. The game felt like a way longer Arkham game and I ultimately found myself preferring Arkham Knight after playing and enjoying this game since I'm much closer to Batman and his world as characters. The game is loaded with tons of content and frankly a lot of open world crap I don't care to do like finding hidden pictures and hunting birds. To me this content only exists to make the percentage slider go up rather than meaningfully add to the mechanics of gameplay. The web swinging was fun but has a really low skill ceiling. I'd recommend the game but if it doesn't look like something you'd enjoy then it probably isn't.

Fun and short expansion to Spider-Man

It's the dying breath of the New Super Mario Bros...brand/series/line? NSMB didn't need 2 games released in the same year. Wii ans DS were pretty good games, and while U has some good visuals, music, and level ideas, you can't help but just feel like you're physically playing the same game fundamentally just in slightly different levels. The NSMB platforming system is about as basic as you can get. I could probably play this game from a coma. That said, I can't hate it since one, it isn't trying to do anything so it can't fail spectacularly, and two, I think the game can be fun in fair doses. It's a solid game and kids for sure will get a kick out of it, and older fans too if they haven't happened to play any NSMB games.

Doom Eternal is a masterpiece

Decent NES game but absolutely does not hold up without a guide

The game is pretty fun but with an absolute cancer meta

This game is a classic. Back in the day on iPad, I got every medal on every map and it was so satisfying. But now I'm older with less time to spend on a game like this, and tbh it really doesn't hold a candle to the modern Bloons games. The mass selection of available maps is nice but at the cost of what feels like an unachievable total completion. This game has a special place in my heart but isn't one I'd regularly replay anymore.


This is one of the most "Not for me" games I've ever played. It is an extremely punishing game, perhaps one of THE most punishing games ever made. The time needed to get good at raiding, resource gathering, and the gun system, is severely outweighed by the one bullet a better player will lodge between your forehead with how fast you die. I don't think the game is really good but I also see it isn't for me. The 40$ price tag is a bit ridiculous given the low or even free cost of most other actually great multiplayer games.

Galaxy 2 is a worthy successor to the beloved and critically acclaimed Galaxy 1. G2 works and doesn't work in following up G1 in a few ways. The music instead of an atmospheric space journey with both fun and quiet or emotional pieces, goes full blast epic with the OST. Lots of high energy pieces to match with the increase in energy for the gameplay. The galaxies in this game are a quantity over quality case where we have a bunch of galaxies with interesting ideas that we just don't spend a lot of time on, or just straight up filler galaxies like Boss Blitz and Stone Cyclone. I'd love a version of this game with condensed, more developed galaxies as some of these "galaxies" are just a couple, if not one planet. I wouldn't really classify any of these as bad, I spent almost a whole weekend playing nothing but G2 and didn't get sick of it. The green stars are another mixed bag. I love the concept of exploring levels in unconventional ways with the movement and power-up system, but some of the stars like Boulder Bowl's are just nonsense. You are in the same opening area and just mosey off the ledge for 2/3. I'm ok collecting everything for the completionism reward feeling as well as the final challenge galaxy. This game is great, but has a few pretty aching sore spots conceptually