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Fun spin on COD formula. Jetpacks in multiplayer and Nazi Zombies adds some needed variation. The campaign has very good graphics for 2014 and a good story. The DLC Nazi Zombie maps were much better than the release map. Although the contaminated rooms mechanic was too much chaos for my liking. Multiplayer was polished and fun. This is the first and last game I bought the Gold Edition for ($120). It did add a lot of new content that was well made, but it's not worth doubling the price tag. I did enjoy the Zombie maps for a long time with my wife though.

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Great remaster of Paradise. This game takes all the great modes of the old burnout games and puts it into an open world to explore. Stunt Runs were fun to string stunts together, classic races are still the highlight of the fun, marked man has you races to the end with enemy vehicles trying to take you down, and was interesting but too easy to outsmart the Ai, and Road Rage is just as good as it has always been. Taking down as many enemies as possible is satisfying and fun! Road Rules has you races against the best online time on a specific long road. It can be fun, but for the most part is forgettable. This Remaster gives you all DLC cars from the original game. Don't use these in the early game as they are over powered, but are great fun in end game!

This game was N64 nostalgia even though I had never played this before. A 3D platformer through and through. Fun collectables, platforming, transforming mechanics, puzzles, bosses, and worlds! It fits right in with my childhood games. I can't wait to play the next one!

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Fun playing split screen. Working together against everything else is awesome! Building up to the best armor and the best tames, is great. Survival aspect is fun. Pooping is hilarious! Naming and breeding dinos is great! Exploring is very tough, but if your up for the challenge it fun too.
PVP however, is horrible. At least for me it was. Building up for so many hours, only to have some bigger group come and ruin it all is not a good time. When the largest group forces everyone else to follow their demands is also not an enjoyable experience. Stick to PVE instead!

Great 2 Player game. Lots of side games to play together, main missions require 2 people to take part. Lots of opportunities to mess with each other. Definitely a fun time!

Fun spin on Mario Kart formula. Love the boost system here! Easy to play yet difficult to master. Great visuals. Great music. Loved the characters. The mask as a power up was a great addition. Bosses were not fair however. They needed an update but only received a new coat of paint. Great game overall!

Great game! Challenging tracks. Great character list. Gold trophies are tough but fun to chase. Good visuals. Tight controls. Very good music.

Fun with Wii U saves. Without them it wouldn't be playable. Definitely a challenge. Characters are fun and it is different in a good way. Very short game however and the bosses get repetitive.

Fun successor to the Marble Blast series. It was a lot of fun to compete for best times against family members. The new powerups were fun as well. Although I still hate the gem levels.

Simple, boring, and the story felt forced. Gameplay is a collectathon. It just wasn't for me.

Simple Mario moble game. Auto-run and extra chances make this too easy. Not anything new here from old Mario games. The challenge coins are mostly tedious and time consuming. Good graphics, music, and polish though.

Wacky goofy fun. Great game to just goof off with and laugh, find secrets, and find out what you can do as a goat with a jetpack or demon powers!

Amazing for 1998. Object physics, full 3D models and gameplay, first person shooter. By todays standards these are basic features however. What is surprising is the unique storyline and weapons. Perhaps playing the fan made Black Mesa remake would be better these days. Still a decent retro experience for those who are nostalgic for this era of games.

Loved the story, open world, graphics, new mechanics, and enemy variety! The The grappling hook added some variety. The open world was a big improvement! The new cortana is a good story twist and I liked the new pilot guy. The upgrades to the deployable shield, the dash, the anti-invisibility, and the hook, were all fun to work towards. Helping the soldiers and then them appearing at Fobs was fun and helps build the realism. The raidable areas were fun as well. The hitlist of banished was fun, although by the end I wiped them all with the hornet. I liked the new enemy force of the banished. The weapon verity was impressive. The enemy verity was more impressive! The boss battles are memorable. Especially the two battles with the flying robota nd his sarcasm akin to glados in portal. Didn't love the limited objectives or linear ending. Awesome game overall!