I should play this again it was so fun

I should do this again, need them muscles br0

I absolutely fucking adored this series, the question arcs a little more than the answer arcs but a beautiful beautiful story nonetheless. Incredibly fleshed out characters, gripping story and mystery, and one of the best soundtracks media has to offer. Play this, you won't regret it

get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head

stopped playing because every game the urge to punch the goalie in the face became stronger

playing this with my older brother was the shit

loved this so much then the fucking disc broke kms

no DS version here which is weird because I'm holding it in my hand rn but ok

this was the shit when I was 8 years old man

peak 3DS fiction you can't change my mind

prefer the anime over this specific arc, will have to see how the rest will fold out