Portal 2 is one of if not the greatest video game of all time, it's gameplay is obviously incredible; taking the polished and fun portal physics of the first game and placing them into puzzles.

This is of course combined with a sharply written narrative with whitty humour which is delivered by 2 phenomenal voice actors; Ellen McLain and Stephen Merchant.

This is all of course neglecting the great co-op mode, underrated yet investing soundtrack and wonderful aesthetic brought to life by graphics that have aged about as much as gold can.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023


11 months ago

this review made me and my friends talk about the ethics of making 2 robots, and then making them have sex. Would that be wrong? I think it at least makes you a little weird.

11 months ago

Every time I replay Portal 2 I’m shocked at how well it holds up visually. That intro sequence where your room crashes through the rest of the facility is still incredible.

11 months ago

Robots are often built for a purpose so if you make them and then by your design they have sex it's not immoral because they are probably
1. Unfeeling
2. Feeling but happy to oblige their creator
But yes it is a bit bizarre.