20 reviews liked by Mr_Knight

i looked like an idiot waving that fucking remote around

Only true legends play it with the Gamecube controller

The real strength of SWOTS is that it not only tells the cautionary tale of unfettered, unrestricted capitalistic greed, but it dares to put you in the role of the 1% and reckon with the endless lust for power that ultimately drives them. All encased in a mind gripping loop of making the numbers go up in a tremendously sardonic setting.

When you invest in large intestines you invest in your friends.

The definitive skateboarding game experience. One of the most fun times I've had with a character creator, improved controls, and seriously like the best online community I've ever been a part of; people make great content for this and are super nice online (that aspect alone pushes this up pretty high).

An important contribution to life.

where fraggers go to relax . . . put on some oldskool liquid dnb and air glide till u make it. never truly reaches bliss of goldsrc climbs but kreedz is faithful to the rite of gamer parkour

Must have been a really rough development cycle because I am still not sure the game is even finished, 6 years later

No I didn’t rate it “purely because of the fanbase”, this game just fucking sucks