My parents argued while I was playing this.

Wasn't interrupted, sadly and unsurprisingly. Though this game gave me the idea of the best song improvisation about 4 minutes and 33 seconds ever.

Also, I just love the deconstruction of competition and patience brought by video games due to this. Yeah, it's probably just a dull little art piece, but I do love the suspense of it (or lack of).


Remembering this game exists is like being reminded of one of those embarrassing inside jokes you have with your friends years ago. That's pretty much the only thing I could say about it.

Mama mia... I never should've taken that acid.... Now my son is burning through the flames....

I can't believe it. I'm playing Jeopardy... On my console. This is life-affiriming.

I lost due to how I betted all my money on the Final Jeopardy. Nice game though, not much replay value sadly.

How would you even describe this using the basics of reviewing a game??? I mean, I love The Residents and their wacky antics, but my god this game made my eyes feel blurry - in a strangely good way to reckon. I might sound like I dislike it, but I don't. It's just... indescribably nonsensically grand.

(+.5 for the Les Claypool cameo too.)

Is a good game.

Definitely one of the games in videogame history. Moorhuhn is absolutely.

I drew a dick and the game immediately crashed.


Was a psychological experience. Thank you Fred Fuchs.

I beat it in the first boss, and you can't tell me otherwise.

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4/10, not enough booba.