The Games I Think Are Underrated (That I've Played)

Yes some of these games are well reviewed, this is more of a shot at backloggd scores as well as games that were underappreciated or have a negative consensus.

Battlefield V
Battlefield V
Ditto SWBF2 for BFV, smooth movement, customisation is a plus but went about the wrong way (Elite skins not women), not the greatest map design and weapon balance but still holds core BF mechanics, new additions like attrition and squad revival were great, soundtrack and graphics remain peak DICE
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Battlefront II
First off: Bad precedent for the game to be released the way it was only to become better later on, that being said the game has become one of the best current FPS games on the market full of content, problem with player balance but thats just due to higher levels having better stuff
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Was my most played COD post Blops 2 until Modern Warfare 2019, campaign smelly (Train go boom) and zombies mid but I loved the multiplayer, specialists were best here, solid gun variety, parkour wasn't too obnoxious
Halo 5: Guardians
Halo 5: Guardians
2.5 is a terrible average rating, yes the campaign is smelly, yet the multiplayer is honestly one of the better outings, arguably better than 4's, more modern approach works for the better, warzone is a solid addition.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Might be bias due to being the first Dragon Age I played but I stil adore Inquisition, even with it's MMO like gameplay open world, loved the story even without having an amazing villain, loved the companions too, enough here for me to still love to this day.
Sleeping Dogs
Sleeping Dogs
Probably well known for being underrated and underappreciated but its fully deserving of it, Hong Kong is still one of the more unique places a game has taken place in and it looks great, fun combat. KARAOKE.
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3
Only here because Backloggd has it at a 3.7 which is criminal
Dragon Age II
Dragon Age II
It's a shame it didnt get enough development time because it could've been something great, Exodus would have been a preferrable name, some of Bioware's best characters, story, world building, shame about the repetitive areas and too action-y combat really putting a damper on things
Killzone 2
Killzone 2
Still great graphics to this day, loved the world design, solid gunplay, forgettable story and characters but thats an acceptable trade off
Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge
Still the greatest parkour game ever, short but sweet, one of the most visually stunning games ever, the world is so good, animated cutscenes are some of the best that gaming has to offer
Fallout 3
Fallout 3
Not on par in terms of writing no doubt, but the atmosphere of the Capital Wasteland is 10/10 and still haunting to this day, interesting areas, combat sucks but same issue New Vegas suffers with,
Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2
One of the most thoroughly entertaining games I've ever played


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