I love the story, but there is too much grind.

The narration is great, but I got tired of gameplay rather quickly.

If you don't know which to pick between PC and Switch version, I recommend PC, because controls on Switch are pretty bad as they emulate mouse cursor.

It was fun at first, but became very repetitive and grindy later.
Randomly generated location quickly became dull.

Play any newer version instead. DS port lacks voice acting and many improvements added in Disgaea Complite (HD).

While game is filled with some solid gameplay, there's also way too much plain stupid bullshit.

Selecting levels takes way too long due doing it being done via big playable hub area.

Having lives in this game is totally pointless and Galaxy is actively designed around them. You can easily earn a life at the beginning of most levels. Life counter is reset each time you turn off the game and when you do lose all of them its basically just waste of time penalty.

Speaking of wasting time, there's a lot of repeated, unskipable, bland dialog.
Also, to unlock Luigi you need to repeat (quite easy but lengthy) fight with Bowser, then repeat watching boring ending scene and ending credits.

While some of purple coin challenges are one of the best in the game, most of them are far from that. They are long, mostly easy levels, which need to be started from 0 when failed.

Camera is pretty bad. Often it won't let user rotate it, even though doing so would help. Sometimes Mario is straight up not visible behind some objects and when you can rotate it, it's not possible to configurate axis or rotation speed.

Most of levels are really easy and only few provide fun challenge.

Way too many water levels.

Not really for me, but I can see its quality.

The joke pretty much ends at game title. Grindy as hell, even on easiest difficulty. Also, pretty boring, especially the fights.

I played it for 3 hours and remember nothing of it.

I really liked it at first, but as the difficulty raised, weak controls became unbearable and frustrating.

It's pretty fun and nicely made, but nothing more than a minigame.

Pretty solid picross game with mega and color picross. Wish there were more color picross puzzles.

Best Portal mod I played. Puzzles are very challenging, but relay on logic and not pixel perfect platforming.

Combat leaves much to desire due to poor aiming and almost no skill involvement.

Game has a lot of dialogue, but I was brearly able to follow, due to how uninteresting it was.