superman start in games was not good

Fun game all the way through not gonna lie

Im glad it doesn't take itself seriously

they really need to fix some glitches here but the game overall is more fun than Far Cry 3

Now this game was all the way through fun

weird thing to do

remake a game a year later but it's still a great game

I had tons of fun with this game

Hate how you have to restart if you install or remove DLC

Okay last entry in the Metal Gear Survive doesn't exist

Game kind of lost it's steam with it barely getting updated but it's gonna come back for sure

Really not a fan of Dead or Alive for starting to have this free version have barely any fighters and features


I mean it's also alright

even if it's hard

Game would be perfect if the DLC wasn't so expensive

Game was really fun

espically when you have split screens