I can't hate these games but i can hate Take Two and Rockstar for basically making it look like a 360 title. i wish it had more upgrades from GTA 4 and V. we all know this wouldn't look as good as GTA V but still

This game would be a lot better if it was just DLC for Far Cry 5 or had more than 25 missions

Compared to 76. it's alright. i think New Vegas is a lot more fun compared to this. apprently bethesda doesn't know how open worlds work.

For a game that's so buggy and unfinished

this deserves a remake or a remastered


One of the most fun games i've ever played

It's a improvement over the original

the rare times where the sequels are better than the original

a dull dull dull version of the first game

This game is so fun. I haven't even touched the second game