24 Reviews liked by NapTimeSleeper

Just because it's not Resort, doesn't mean it's bad or worthless.
NSS is Addicting and definitely worth the money, it's just what i wanted on switch.
hoping the future updates and new games are just as fun!

I haven't and probably will never play this but everytime i see the cover i mistake the machete for a microphone so it looks like the king's speech or something

I like Metroid Dread quite a bit. The gameplay is (for the most part) fast and fluid and though I don't actually think it is much of a metroidvania, what is here stands on its own as a really fun game with some interesting stuff in it.

Metroid Dread feels great to play. Once you unlock all of Samus' abilities, it is really fun to switch up tactics, dash around the room, and blast your enemies to pieces with missiles and blaster fire. Enemies (especially late-game) have a ton of really powerful, fast attacks but Samus is agile enough that avoiding them is possible and feels like an accomplishment once you get it down.
There are a couple strange missteps in control that can make things feel bad though. Specifically the Shinespark ability feels atrocious to use and unresponsive, since it works based on Samus' current jump state (spinning or not), which is a holdover from past games that should have been left behind.

I don't think Dread is very good at being a metroidvania, mostly because it is astoundingly linear. This game has the most aggressive use of gating I have ever seen. Every time you go anywhere, you are locked into getting your next upgrade and using it to progress forward. It is impossible to get lost, but you cannot really explore at all.
The map and levels are still circuitous and expansive, so I constantly felt the need to navigate with unsatisfying results, since there is only ever one path forwards (sometimes through a wall you need to randomly shoot, yuck).
Even traveling back to discover more items is tedious because there is no reasonable way to fast travel. This is an astounding decision that, for me, removed any motivation I would have had to fill out the map by the end of the game.
I think I would have preferred a more obviously linear game that didn't even pretend to have a metroidvania structure.

EMMI's are also hit or miss for me. A few of them feel very cool as a fast traversal and avoidance mechanic... the places where you are just running through a new environment trying to find an exit without getting caught are very fun. Others have abilities that stop or slow you which just feels bad and pointless. I definitely like what the EMMI's bring to the game overall though and the switchup in gameplay is cool.

I found the story to be incoherent at best. Nothing about this leg of the Metroid story is interesting at all. The X are dumb.

I did have a lot of fun overall with Metroid Dread, and if I don't judge it as a metroidvania, I definitely liked it a lot. Go in expecting cool action along with fun, challenging boss fights and you won't be disappointed.

a bit too mechanically simplistic and drags a bit by the end with a few too many tearjerker endings, but overall does a decent job of marrying gameplay to story

This game and Tales of Arise both got/are getting spammed with half a star scores before they even release(d). SMTV on the otherhand is getting spammed with 5 star scores despite it not releasing until tomorrow.

RPG trailers are very divisive with Backloggd users.

Everything people have said about why this game is a bit clatty (some of the overly dense progression stuff and all of the colonialism stuff) fades into the background when you're going 180 mph through a jungle. I'm sorry, it's just inherently fun.

They fixed all the flaws of forza horizon 4 and made a Perfect sequel. Gameplay and mechanics are the same but don't fix if it ain't broke. And it has a incredible open world. Congrats playground

definitely not a game for everyone, but stellar at being the kind of game that it is. 400 hours later and my island still looks like shit. can't wait for the 2.0 update and DLC to ruin my chances at playing any other game this year

Has multiple parts in the map where you can get trapped or stuck in the scenery since there's no jump button and softlock the game. And there's no autosaving either. Good concept, but wait until they fix this bug.