8 reviews liked by Narugoku3445

Never seen a game with such incredible atmosphere and exploration. Everything about the lore is well built and make sense in every detail. Did it without guide or spoilers.
Just amazing.

Stanley Parable: UD has become a pioneer in the gaming industry for becoming the first game to include a likeable British character.

One of the most overrated game I've played.
It was "ok" for me. The gameplay straight up sucks, and feels bad. It mostly relies on easy parries and backstabs.
The exploration and level design is fun though (besides the swamp, man, this + the sh#t gameplay? Nah).
I also enjoyed the boss fights and their soundtrack, so I was expecting too much for the final boss that was complete garbage. All of that "excused" with lore to explain why the final bossfight is garbage and FromSo devotees telling you how much a masterpiece and genius ending that is, while it's just bullsh#t

One of the best Action/Adventure game of its generation.
With 16:9 support, 60fps, impressive graphics and a really smooth combat. It's a masterpiece as a video-game and also as a technical piece.

It adds a lot to the 2004 version, and each difficulty is different when it's about the placement of ennemies, new spawns, the order of unlockables, the price of items in the shop so you need to manage your money well, and new bosses!
They also added a mission mode outside of the stoy mode, you can finish challenges and such, and unlock a new costume.

Even though I call it a masterpiece, its main problem is still the camera. It's not horrible, but it's not good either. You will need and have to learn how to use it properly through the game.

Don't wait, it's available on every Xbox gen possible.

This game is a shame. They just re-used every single thing from All star battle and transformed it into a BORING arena fighter.
At least the cast is huge but it's also because the gameplay is just the same for everyone. References and stages are pretty cool, even in the menus. Anyway, if you really want to play it for the story, go for it I guess. Just don't expect much

Most fun and complete platformer you can play.
Banger Soundtrack
Over 13 stages
Level layouts that lets you choose many paths
Knuckles have exclusive stuff
Two Super Sonic forms, and an epic True Ending level.
I definitely recommend you play this!

Just... horribly boring.
The game totally ruins the DNA and the purpose of the original version.

First of all, why the stupid blood censorship? (they didn't hesitated to add sixaxis on girls chests, hmpf, double standards)

Secondly, there are barely any enemies in the game. The number is so toned down, it gets boring, because the gameplay of Ryu isn't meant for such small numbers.
As a counterpart, they increased the enemy's health and the damage they deal (a one shot from a grab?!). Amazing game design from them, wow.

Also, the game completely ruins the flow of the gameplay by forcing you to play Rachel and Momiji, such forgettable parts. Ayane is decent at least.

Anyway, the added features doesn't totally save the removed ones. If you have an xbox360 or higher at hand, do the original instead. It's totally crazy

This is just Dark Souls 3 but in a boring souless open world with worsts Boss, worsts OST and an atrocious optimization which make me wonder if FromSoftware really know how to made games ?

But hey, i guess George R. R. Martin is on the box at least... no but seriously could they make something different that the same games SINCE 2009 ?