This feels weird reviewing because it has become something of a multi media sensation in recent years, like SSBU but on a much greater scale and of course encapsulating more than just the fighting game genre. The game in its current state is decently fun but it will never have the pull it did in 2017/18 and I think the devs know that which is why they've taken such a big left turn with their management of the game. Its ability to adapt and never stay the same for too long has pretty much allowed itself to cement itself as a mainstay in the multiplayer online game sphere.
Going back to the game in its current state though I think it is decent fun like any game is with friends but lacks really any features that make it stand out now.

A great concept for a chill multiplayer party game. I could imagine myself loving this alot as a kid although this one is definitely not so easy for me to put time into now. The RNG elements kind of suck sometimes but I understand that they are a necessary evil.

Very well thought out detective type party game. It is one of those games that does end up just getting more boring the better you become at it, figuring out cool ways to prove people are impostors or crewmates is cool until suddenly everyone becomes competent and plays the game super meta making the game sort of monotonous.
It does end up becoming one of those games where you have to enforce your own rules in your group to keep the game fresh for everyone

InstLife did NOT die for this

Actually spent a decent amount of time on this but as you can expect from a snes sports game, it's not that great. I had a decent amount of fun with it ironically but it seems quite janky alot of the time

This game just feels so sanitised compared to its predecessors, like it feels so much more polished in design and appearance but in doing so a lot of the fun is taken out of the gameplay. Definitely the most content rich of recent mario kart's though and the character roster is impressive although definitely quite bloated


Often the most simple games mechanically can allow for some of the most high ceiling competitive gameplay and I don't think any game exemplifies this idea more than Osu. At face value you have beats, sliders and spinners but from these 3 interactable elements give an endless expanse of options to experiment with. Mania, Catch and Taiko are cool too I guess but tbh there are better rhythm games out there for all 3 of those I'm pretty sure

I love the aesthetic and everything they did to make this game visually distinct but there should have been way way more focus on modernising some of the really old fashioned gameplay. It feels like I'm playing through Zelda 1 at times with how some of the enemies and dungeons are designed. Look no further than the secret seashells which sometimes are just hidden in the most random places which you would only be able to find thanks to the tracker item later in the game. The story and theme of the game is one I like alot and wish they would go for more when creating some of their games, it allows for much more creative freedom and are not tied down to any lore from other games (which they have been finding problems with recently with TOTK).
The powerscaling is maybe a bit too tweaked in the direction of making the player feel powerful because by the end of the game you're almost untouchable.
Overall I would say this game is fine, it has its occasional really fun dungeon or puzzle only for you to be met with some excruciatingly boring dungeons like the infamous Eagles Tower. Though the gameplay is not the strength of the game, the aesthetic and story is. Play it if you like 2d Zelda

Doesn't speak to me really, this type of game in general doesn't really appeal to me though