Pokemon Platinum is the best Pokemon game ever made. I seriously struggle to find many flaws with the game, and can only really find long-lasting positives, and these positives are the reason I have played through the entire game about 10 times through since 2009. Pokemon Platinum is the best Pokemon game there is, and I seriously doubt if it will ever be topped.

Sunshine tried something wacky and new, and for that, I can and will always respect that move to take risks and not stay within your comfort zone. Personally, despite this respect I have for the guts to take a risk, I found the game to be more tedious and annoying than enjoyable and fun. Mario Sunshine feels nothing like what a traditional 3D Mario platformer would be expected to feel like. Although, I can also see why many would love Sunshine and regard it as their favourite Mario game, me really not liking the title is just my personally preference.

Jak and Daxter is really one of the best games on the PS2. It takes a lot for an old game to maintain my interest, or any game really, yet Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy manages to do that. It is a game with a lot of charm, world-building and simple, yet addictive game-play loops that feel similar to that of the stars in Super Mario 64. This game is easily one of the best I have played on the Playstation 2.