A decent game, however I never felt a true urge to return to games like DOOM. Although for anyone who enjoys FPS games, this game will definitely rock your boat.

An enjoyable game with a great story and concept, along with beautiful and stunning visuals. However, the emotions and conversations that take place outside of cut-scenes break the immersion. It can also feel quite repetitive as a game, and as a result I don't think I'd have the urge to finish it. However, as I said I can acknowledge that this is still a good game.

A beautiful remake of the original trilogy. As a lifelong Spyro fan this certainly made me giddy. However, it isn't without its flaws, especially when it comes to the amount of downtime due to the obscene load times.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a game that all Switch owners should experience, due to the incredible level of detail and effort put into it, which is front and centre. However, it is a bit of a repetitive drag that did become a chore to return to with little incentive to continue playing with the gameplay loop not really being that rewarding.

Uncharted 1 - Decent
Uncharted 2 - Great
Uncharted 3 - Boring

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End was a shocking surprise when it came to the huge step up from the previous games that it followed. Every single capacity of this game hits new heights for not just its own game series, but for gaming as a whole, especially for the year 2015. An interesting story with stellar performances and writing, combined with some of the most breathtaking visuals I have witnessed. This game was a surprise, especially after my feelings for Uncharted 1, 2 and 3. However, this is easily one of the best games I have ever played.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is one of the best experiences on the PS5 at the moment and offers genuine quality and fun. It utilises the DualSense the best of any game so far on the console and never gets boring whatsoever. Although it might not be the most perfect or AAA title, it has a charm, and clear passion put into it and does a good job paying homage to Little Big Planet fans in a time where the series seems to be dead in the ground.

Ratchet & Clank (PS4) is a game that does a good job in the game-play sections and general loop, however, it feels soulless in almost every other way in comparison to the original games. There is enough here to satisfy the average player, with the weapons and general combat system being enjoyable and satisfying, but as a person who loved the older games, this game doesn't even compare when it comes to the universe, characters and general atmosphere that those games created.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is an incredible return to form for new Crash games. It excels in almost every area and falls flat in almost none. The visual appeal, mass amounts of content and new gameplay mechanics such as the masks can leave the player with hours upon hours of fun (and frustration), making it well worth the investment. I can only see Crash going up from here.

Undertale is a game that will go down in history. Its characters, themes, moments and messaging that players can derive from their playthrough are something that will not just live on in me for when I played this game, but clearly lives on in every person who has given this experience a try. Undertale is more than a game, it is an opportunity to create memories and conceptualise your life in relation to it. Undertale is an experience.

Overall, Mystery Dungeon DX is a pleasant remake. However, a lot of complaints and issues with gameplay from the original are still present and unrefined. Despite the improved visuals, it definitely does not feel like a Switch title, and is more in comparison to the original Gameboy Advance title.

With little-to-no new features or improvements from the original titles. If you enjoy dungeon crawlers with hundreds of hours of gameplay, you will like this game. As an avid Pokemon fan, you will more than likely enjoy this game. But if you are neither of these things, I can almost guarantee you will have a boring and tedious experience.

There have been few games I have played in recent years that have allowed me to sit down for multiple hours and completely shut off from the rest of the world and be completely engulfed in my screen. Despite some things that have aged with time, Mario 64 shows why it was one of the revolutionary turning points in gaming, and why it remains such an iconic and enjoyable experience even in the modern day.

I truly cannot believe it took me almost 15 years to give Bioshock a try. This game obviously has limitations of its time, but in other ways it excels and sets a new standard for games from the mid-2000s. The story and world-premise showed that video games could be a lot more than fun, and could also provide captivating and meaningful story-experiences. I certainly will be doing reviews on the sequel and Infinite in the near future. However, if you were like me and thought Bioshock 'wasn't for you' then would you kindly reconsider and try it now. You will not be disappointed.

Little Big Planet was an iconic game, and despite its mismanagement in recent years (that's a different story for a different day), it was a game that shaped my childhood and gave me hundreds of memories that will never leave me. It was a game that maybe has not aged the best, but at the time, if you played Little Big Planet in its prime, you knew you were playing one of the greatest games of the 2000s, who was in the process of creating one of the most iconic characters in gaming and one of Sony's best mascots, and you were enjoying every moment of it.

I personally would say Heartgold and Soulsilver are the second-best Pokemon games of all-time, easily, in my opinion, but they do have their flaws which are pretty glaring. Although the large amounts of passion and drive to develop the series further and provide more than any fan could have ever wished for shows in the game.